Changes to the Transition Network Projects Directory
By Ed Mitchell 6th November 2012
Although the Project Sharing Engine project is visibly focused on providing widgets to go on Transition Initiatives’ websites, a vital part of the project is work on the project profile pages in the main projects directory, where all the information lives.
This is the less glamorous work of re-configuring the project profile ‘Content Type’ to make it easier and quicker to fill in for projects wanting to share their activity, and easier and quicker and more relevant for those searching for local projects, or wider inspiration. It is a weighty piece, but will make the projects directory clearer and the widgets better.
Works now underway during November, (and probably December) include:
- Reviewing the 300 or so projects in the directory and assessing their
- ‘Status’ (in planning, active, finished?)
- ‘Transition-ness’ ( are they a Transition or ‘other’ community group?)
- ‘Moderate-able-ness’ (Some of the entries aren’t really projects and need some attention, ahem)
- Editing of all the projects currently in the Projects Directory
- Replacing the old ‘aims’ field with a new ‘summary’ field and moving the text in between
- Research into what are the best terms to use when describing the ‘benefits’ or ‘outcomes’ of a project for a more up to date classification
- Removal of unsuitable information fields
- Addition of more suitable information fields
- Re-design of the public profile page and the private editing pages
- Re-design of the main project directory pages
- Technical data shifting work to aggregate and move information around behind the scenes without losing it
- Contacting all the project owners to inform them of changes etc.
You can read all the works ongoing on the wiki page.