Most of Transition Network’s work is funded by grants from Charitable Trusts and Foundations, or by donations. We also generate some income from books, films, events, training and fees for talks and presentations. We are very grateful indeed for the vision and generosity of the following funders:
TN has received long-term funding from a charitable foundation, set up by a member of a family who is redirecting wealth accumulated through past extractive economic activity towards regenerative activity across the planet. The foundation prefers a lack of fanfare, recognising that money is just one of many contributions to the great transformation we need, and avoids public announcement of its grants. This is not particularly comfortable for Transition Network since we generally seek to be transparent even about issues which many organisations would keep confidential. However, we have a long term relationship with this anonymous foundation and a deep trust in their values, principles and practices. We therefore respect their request for anonymity. The foundation has provided some reflections about its request for anonymity here.
- The National Lottery Community Fund, Growing Great Ideas fund, for really significant and long-term funding to help us grow infrastructure, networks and capacity for Transition in Britain
- We are delighted to be chosen for a Movement for Good award from Ecclesiastical Insurance Group, to develop an online Train the Trainers course, one of the key next steps for the collaborative Training for Transition circle.
- KR Foundation for very significant grants for Transition Network and the Transition Hubs group to start the Municipalities in Transition project, and again to take this project to the next stage of scaling up, out and deep.
We would also like to honour previous support from funders and donors who have ensured that Transition Network could continue and develop our work:
- Tudor Trust
- Roger Ross of Lots Road Auctions
- Open Society Initiative for Europe
- A Network for Social Change individual
- V. Kann Rasmussen Foundation
- Fondation Charles Léopold Mayer pour le Progrès de l’Homme
- Friends Provident Foundation
- Polden-Puckham Charitable Foundation
- Pete Yeo, through the Rainmaker Foundation
- Joseph Rowntree Charitable Trust
- The Roddick Foundation
- The Primrose Hill Trust
- The Bromley Trust
- The European Economic and Social Committee Civil Society Prize
- Ashoka
- Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation
- Esmée Fairbairn Foundation
- John Ellerman Foundation
- The Marmot Charitable Trust
- The Holly Hill Trust
- Artists Project Earth
- The Arts and Humanities Research Council
- The Nominet Trust
- Lush Charity Pot
- Good Energy
- The Keep the Land Foundation
- The Prairie Trust
- Anna Hughes
Other individual donors to whom we are very grateful.
Transition Network is a founding member of the ECOLISE network (the European Network for Community-led Initiatives on Climate Change and Sustainability), see photo further down the page.
The Rapid Transition Alliance
The Rapid Transition Alliance is being coordinated by a small group of people drawn from the New Weather Institute, the School of Global Studies at the University of Sussex, and the ESRC STEPS Centre at the Science Policy Research Unit (SPRU) and the Institute of Development Studies
The Global Tapestry of Alternatives
The Global Tapestry of Alternatives is an initiative seeking to create solidarity networks and strategic alliances amongst all these alternatives on local, regional and global levels. It locates itself in or helps initiate interactions among alternatives. It operates through varied and light structures, defined in each space, that are horizontal, democratic, inclusive and non-centralized, using diverse local languages and other ways of communicating.
Trustees Reports and Financial Statements
Each of our Annual Reports covers a period from 1st April – 31st March.
All our Annual Report and Accounts are downloadable here:

Transition Network policies are available upon request to
Transition Network Trustee Meetings
As a registered charity, Transition Network has Trustees. Since April 2018, we made the shift to shared governance which changed the role and content of trustee meetings. Trustee reps and team member reps are part of Transition Network’s Purpose Circle (Vision, Mission and Strategy).
Minutes of recent meetings of the Trustees are here: