In the Transition Movement we are very explicit about what our values are and how we inhabit those in our work. You can help us strengthen those values in the world by leaving the Transition Network a gift in your Will. This is one of the most valuable and lasting ways you can support the environment and the communities inhabiting it.


You and the Transition Movement

Financial supporters are our lifeline and incredibly valued by us.

Your ongoing support plays a vital role in creating change, building community resilience, and enabling solutions that are essential to a sustainable, fair and peaceful future.

The different you can make

Our work is key to making sure the global Transition Movement is resourced and continues to grow. Your gift will help provide future training, share development grants and support for new and emerging transition groups across the world. You can find out more about the Transition Movement here.

We appreciate that your first priority when making a Will is to provide for your loved ones.  Many people find that after making this provision they can leave something to a cause they hold dear in their heart.

When we get to a stage in life at which we think about the legacy we want to leave for our loved ones and the world as a whole we think deeply about our values and priorities.
Michael Addison

The type of gifts left in a Will can be chosen in a way that suits you best.

Please contact us if you would like to discuss a legacy gift