Christmas comes early for REconomy (and 2 Transition groups)!

We’re delighted to announce that the Transition Network’s REconomy...

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Annie Leonard on stuff, “citizen muscle”, and what she’s giving this Christmas

What better way to close our month’s theme than to talk to Annie...

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Oliver James on ‘affluenza’, Love Bombing and strengthening our “emotional immune systems”

Over this month of looking at “stuff” from different angle...

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Adam Corner on the “adverts that want to be your friend”

We’re all far too sensible to be influenced by advertising, righ...

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The November and December Round-up of What’s Happening out in the World of Transition

We start this two-month round up with a remarkable tale from Chile, th...

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Blessed are the PVC makers

Any sense of “we’re all in this together” appears to...

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Bank of England takes note of local money

Last week the Bank of England published an article in its Quarterly Bu...

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Rupert Morrison on what the rebirth of vinyl tells us about “stuff”

The Drift Record Shop describes itself as “an immaculately cura...

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When shock provides just the kick up the backside we need

It’s not that I’m lazy, it’s just that I never reall...

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Ruth Potts on the New Materialism

Ruth Potts is the co-author, with Andrew Simms, of a pamphlet calledÂ...

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How different would the world be if we paid the True Cost of food and farming?

What would our food system look like if the impacts of production on t...

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Storyteller Steph Bradley on ‘Tales of our Times’, red flipflops and “stuff”

What’s it like to set off, shod only in a pair of flip-flops, wi...

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How did the first ‘Transition Launch Online’ training go?

The first online version of the Transition Launch training just took p...

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Reimagining Santa’s Grotto: The Restart Project

The mental image we were brought up with of Santa’s workshop was...

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The day I closed my Amazon account

I’ve done it.  I’ve closed my Amazon account.  I now sta...

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December 2013 – Transition Network Newsletter

The Big Debate: how should Transition initiatives respond to austerity...

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Comms delivery group meeting report 2 December 2013

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Celebrating the marvel that is Transition Free Press

The fourth edition of Transition Free Press has just come out, and it ...

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On delivery by drone, vinyl and our month of “stuff”

For this month’s theme we’ll be exploring, in the run up t...

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Transition hits the road for two regional meetings

Meetings with Initiatives. Transition network has recently employed a ...

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Web strategy update for board 29 November 2013

The web project is at a point where we are at the limits of our curren...

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Our Austerity Basics all in one placel!

Welcome to Transition Network’s Austerity Basics series.  Ever ...

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Frances Northrop on how Transition Town Totnes are responding to austerity

For our last piece in our month’s theme of austerity and how Tra...

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REconomy is recruiting a Trainer, ideally with fundraising skills

We know that one of the main challenges faced by Transition Initiative...

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The Big Debate: how should Transition initiatives respond to austerity?

This month’s immersion in austerity has taken us in numerous dir...

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How Sustainable is Transition, Really?

I’ve been thinking a lot in the past months about the question of su...

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Web strategy update

This is a brief outline with notes about where the Transition Network ...

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Dr. Sarah Wollaston MP’s 7 thoughts on austerity

Sarah Wollaston, Conservative Member of Parliament for Totnes, is not ...

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Transition Thrive training at University of St Andrews: a report

Naresh Giangrande of Transition Training reports on a Transition Thriv...

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Felicity Lawrence: How austerity’s “relentless drive to deregulate” impacts the food on our plate

Felicity Lawrence is a food writer and Guardian investigative journal...

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Pam Warhurst: Food banks are “the first response, not the final responseâ€

Pam Warhurst is a community leader, activist and environment worker w...

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Starting tomorrow – Austerity Basics with James Meadway

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What can we learn from the austerity of 1939-1945?

Jane Fearnley-Whittingstall is a writer and garden designer, a career ...

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Brent’s Bumper Harvest Brings Tons of Local Fruit to Communities

Fruit picking groups in Brent, north west London, have had a bumper ha...

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Funding for community renewables – but you’ll have to move fast!

The Cabinet Office’s Centre for Social Action and the Department of ...

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Typhoon Hiayan: an Open Letter to Naderev Saño

Naderev Saño is head of the Philippines delegation to the UN climate...

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The September/October Round-up of What’s Happening out in the World of Transition

It’s a bumper roundup this month, as we’re doing 2 roundup...

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Jeremy Leggett: “Make no mistake, this is an energy civil war”

Jeremy Leggett’s new book ‘The Energy of Nations: risk bli...

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Melbourne Area Transition become landowners!

Here is a great story from Derbyshire.  Whistlewood Common Limited, t...

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Might your local food project qualify for the ‘A Team Challenge’?

Every now and then a funding opportunity comes along which looks ideal...

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Mary Portas and the Golden Tickets of Dorking

Here at Transition Network, we are always on the lookout for innovativ...

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An interview with Dr Tim Lang: “Dire times are one of the only moments when structures get laid bare”

When looking for insights into food, policy and politics, the first pl...

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Permaculture and Transition – shared challenges, shared possibilities: a talk in Northern California

The talk on my recent US tour that I enjoyed most was the one I gave a...

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Setting future dates for your blog posts

It is possible to write your post and set the publication date for the...

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Your chance to learn how to do a REconomy Economic Evaluation for your local economy

The REconomy Project is running a training soon on how to do an Econom...

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An interview with Jason Roberts: “If we are experiencing austerity, create visionsâ€.

When I was in Houston, Texas recently, I was fortunate enough to meet,...

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Weebles Wobble but they don’t Fall Down

  This guest blog is from Nicholas Raybould, who is one of the six st...

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Italy stages its first ‘Transition Fest’

Transition Italy recently held the first gathering of Transitioners fr...

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How Jamaica Plain New Economy Transition are responding to austerity

One of the most inspiring Transition initiatives I visited in the US r...

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The power of Halloween and baking biscuits

One of my favourite Twitter follows, @TwopTwips, tweeted, on the after...

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TN – what are we here for? what should we do next?

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Imagination: an antidote to the plague of austerity

“What I fear most, I think, is the death of the imagination̷...

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Job – Training and Events Co-ordinator

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November 2013 – Transition Network Newsletter

We have several posts about Extreme Energy in the newsletter this mont...

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Comms delivery group meeting report 30 October 2013

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Transition in a corporate setting, in Brazil

Change makers program – How to help your workers transition to ...

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‘In Transition 2.0’ director visits Russia

Emma Goude, director of ‘In Transition 1.0’ and ‘In ...

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10 Years After ‘The Party’s Over’: an interview with Richard Heinberg

While running the risk of sounding like a Hello! Magazine reporter, I ...

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New group of national hubs to explore REconomy in 5 different countries

The Transition national hubs of Belgium (Reséau Transition Wallonie-B...

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To boldly train where no trainer has trained before: a chat with May East

May East is the Transition trainer who reaches the parts that other tr...

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