Ruah Swennerfelt
Transition Town Charlotte, Vermont, USA.
Tell us about your Transition initiative in 20 words: Charlotte is a bedroom community with hopeful community gardens, festive gatherings for a positive vision of the future, and community service.
What, or who, was your first encounter with Transition? I learned about Transition from a person involved in an initiative.
What do you love about Transition? I think the Transition model is the hope for the future. It lays out a positive plan to bring people together with joy and love.
If there was one thing you would change about your journey through Transition, what would it be, and what would help you do it? My journey through transition has brought me nothing but hope. I wouldn’t change anything except experiencing more people involved.
When you’re not doing Transition, what do you do? When I’m not doing Transition I’m active in my Quaker Meeting, Vermont Interfaith Power & Light, gardening, quilting, and being a mother, grandmother, great-grandmother, and adoring wife.
What one piece of advice would you give someone new to Transition? I tell anyone coming in new to Transition to bring their joy, creativity, and commitment with an open mind and with lots of hope.