The Million Miles project, Black Isle, Scotland.
By rob hopkins 19th October 2016 in Transport
The aim of the Million Miles project was simple: to cut car travel by a million miles (1% of the current total) through promoting greener alternatives. This was done through 3 main approaches:
1) Active travel (walking and cycling), 2) Greener car travel and 3) Public transport.
The results were amazing, proving that communities are the best place for real deep change to come from (see the ‘Message to COP21’ at the end of this post). By the end of the scheme’s 3 years, it had led to a reduction of 1,352,277 miles (that’s the equivalent of driving to the Moon and back two and a half times), saving 718 tonnes of carbon a year, but it achieved much more besides.
- 5,369 people attended 471 events over 30 months
- 600 people attended a Black Isle BikeFest
- led to 74,196 more miles being walked
- 44% of respondents stated they were now cycling more
- 131,049 more miles cycled as a result of the project
- Black Isle Travel Map delivered to 8,300 households
Lift Share scheme now has 726 members, 23% of people now lift share more.
It’s a story that’s captured in more detail in this PowerPoint presentation they sent us to share with you. Here are some highlights from that:
“It's been really great to remind us of positive ways of doing things differently. Even the carshare banners all across the Black Isle remind me to think about carsharing more than I used to.”
Sheila, Cromarty