Adding a resource
By Ed Mitchell 24th January 2011
This is a handy illustrated guide to adding your own resource to the Transition Resource Directory.
We are very keen on people adding things that they think are important and useful for others that they found useful in their groups to the resources directory. The idea is that we all share stuff that is useful. We have made it as simple and quick as possible for you to add your resources to the directory.
You need to be a registered site user, and be logged in. You can add a resource directly from this link, or follow the step by step process below. It should take no more than 5 minutes.
1. Click on ‘Create Content’ in the right hand navigation from your account page.
You can get here easily by clicking on your name in the top bar at any time.
2. Choose ‘Resource’ from the list of content you can create
3. Add Title, Language, Country
4. Select which ‘Transition Phase’ it’s suitable for (if any) and what type of ‘asset’ it is, and any links that may be suitable
5. Attach a file if it is suitable, a short description
6. Add any related patterns it may be suitable for and **click Save**
7. Your resource will then be shown to you
It is not yet published. You can edit your resource at any time by clicking on the ‘edit’ tab just below the title.
This will trigger an email to the Transition editors who will be asked to look it over and publish it if it is suitable. They will make an assessment based on the Transition Editorial Policy. If/when they approve it, you will receive a confirmation email and the resource will go live in the directory.
8. Here you can see it in the directory
Editors can also make it an ‘editors’ pick’ which is effectively the best resources. But we’ll leave that up to them for now. I doubt they’ll put my test resource up top…
You might then want to make a post about it in the forums, to share the news with others, ‘tweet’ it, or ‘facebook’ it (isn’t the world getting weird?), or just let it live, and see what happens.
9. Sit back, make a cup of tea, have a biscuit
…and bathe in the glow of having done something useful and offered something that you think is important to a growing, learning, loving movement.