Brixton: Celebrating Heroes with the Brixton Pound
By Catrina Pickering 23rd May 2011
Transition Brixton in South London is based in a multi-ethnic and multicultural community, with history and achievements to be proud of. They’re working to engage members of their very diverse local community, to make their stories heard, and to involve them in the design of the second issue of the Brixton Pound notes. They’re competing for a £5,000 Co-op grant. If successful, they will collect people’s stories about local unsung heroes and their thoughts about Brixton. With the Brixton Heroes project, they seek to counteract negative stereotypes, and to give Brixton’s local people and communities a stronger voice to talk about their experiences and what matters to them.
Read more about the project and vote for them to win the Coop Join the Revolution award (deadline midnight 29th May).