
The day I closed my Amazon account

I’ve done it.  I’ve closed my Amazon account.  I now sta...

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Comms delivery group meeting report 2 December 2013

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Celebrating the marvel that is Transition Free Press

The fourth edition of Transition Free Press has just come out, and it ...

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On delivery by drone, vinyl and our month of “stuff”

For this month’s theme we’ll be exploring, in the run up t...

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Transition hits the road for two regional meetings

Meetings with Initiatives. Transition network has recently employed a ...

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Web strategy update for board 29 November 2013

The web project is at a point where we are at the limits of our curren...

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Our Austerity Basics all in one placel!

Welcome to Transition Network’s Austerity Basics series.  Ever ...

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Frances Northrop on how Transition Town Totnes are responding to austerity

For our last piece in our month’s theme of austerity and how Tra...

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The Big Debate: how should Transition initiatives respond to austerity?

This month’s immersion in austerity has taken us in numerous dir...

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How Sustainable is Transition, Really?

I’ve been thinking a lot in the past months about the question of su...

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Web strategy update

This is a brief outline with notes about where the Transition Network ...

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Dr. Sarah Wollaston MP’s 7 thoughts on austerity

Sarah Wollaston, Conservative Member of Parliament for Totnes, is not ...

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Transition Thrive training at University of St Andrews: a report

Naresh Giangrande of Transition Training reports on a Transition Thriv...

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Felicity Lawrence: How austerity’s “relentless drive to deregulate” impacts the food on our plate

Felicity Lawrence is a food writer and Guardian investigative journal...

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Pam Warhurst: Food banks are “the first response, not the final response”

Pam Warhurst is a community leader, activist and environment worker w...

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Starting tomorrow – Austerity Basics with James Meadway

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What can we learn from the austerity of 1939-1945?

Jane Fearnley-Whittingstall is a writer and garden designer, a career ...

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Typhoon Hiayan: an Open Letter to Naderev Saño

Naderev Saño is head of the Philippines delegation to the UN climate...

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Jeremy Leggett: “Make no mistake, this is an energy civil war”

Jeremy Leggett’s new book ‘The Energy of Nations: risk bli...

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An interview with Dr Tim Lang: “Dire times are one of the only moments when structures get laid bare”

When looking for insights into food, policy and politics, the first pl...

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Permaculture and Transition – shared challenges, shared possibilities: a talk in Northern California

The talk on my recent US tour that I enjoyed most was the one I gave a...

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Setting future dates for your blog posts

It is possible to write your post and set the publication date for the...

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An interview with Jason Roberts: “If we are experiencing austerity, create visions”.

When I was in Houston, Texas recently, I was fortunate enough to meet,...

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Weebles Wobble but they don’t Fall Down

  This guest blog is from Nicholas Raybould, who is one of the six st...

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How Jamaica Plain New Economy Transition are responding to austerity

One of the most inspiring Transition initiatives I visited in the US r...

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The power of Halloween and baking biscuits

One of my favourite Twitter follows, @TwopTwips, tweeted, on the after...

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TN – what are we here for? what should we do next?

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Imagination: an antidote to the plague of austerity

“What I fear most, I think, is the death of the imagination̷...

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Comms delivery group meeting report 30 October 2013

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Transition in a corporate setting, in Brazil

Change makers program – How to help your workers transition to ...

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10 Years After ‘The Party’s Over’: an interview with Richard Heinberg

While running the risk of sounding like a Hello! Magazine reporter, I ...

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To boldly train where no trainer has trained before: a chat with May East

May East is the Transition trainer who reaches the parts that other tr...

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Letter from America #5: Fermenting Change in Brew City

Milwaukee was the last stop on a tour that in 18 days had taken me to ...

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Contract for Web and Communications Support role

Three month part time contract for Web and Communications support role...

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Final report for Project Sharing Engine Project

The full report is in tables and stuff so please download it from the ...

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Next Generation Leaders for ….. sshhh, don’t call it Sustainability!

At the beginning of the school year, and the start of a new year for S...

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Letter from America #4: Five extraordinary days in California

California is vast, a nation in itself.  As a state, it actually is h...

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IIRS management meeting after Lyons

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Visiting La Cocina: cultivating food entrepreneurs

While in San Francisco, I visited La Cocina, a fantastic incubator for...

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An interview with Paul Hawken: “We choose a path of regeneration”

I met up with Paul Hawken at the Where do we go from here conference ...

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Letter from America #3: Something powerful stirs in Texas…

I grew up watching Dallas.  It’s a TV show with a lot to answer for...

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Letter from America #2: Local action can change the world

I just reached the end of my first full week in the US, and to say itâ...

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Letter from America #1: New Orleans and reflections on “awesome”

Coming from England, one of my first impressions of the US is how the ...

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Ben’s International blog #1: the early days

Introduction During the month of October, Rob is over in the US, catal...

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Comms delivery group meeting report 2 October 2013

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New report: Climate After Growth

Transition Network and Post Carbon Institute have just come together t...

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Tina Clarke on the Joys of Discovering Effective Collaboration

In this guest blog, Transition trainer Tina Clarke, also of Transitio...

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Transition Movement moves on a step: becoming a global family

I’m just back from a wonderful 4 day international meeting of the Tr...

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The Big Debate: Is there a ‘Transition position’ on fracking?

During August, at the peak of the campaign against the fracking for na...

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Viv Chamberlin-Kidd on the Permaculture Design Course that changed her life

In the final winning entry in our Transition Training competition, Vi...

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Marie Lefebvre on the Power of Getting Organised

In the second winning entry from our “The Course That Changed My...

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A lovely story from the Bristol Pound

Here’s a wonderful story from the Bristol Pound blog, which its ...

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Sophy Banks on bringing that â€being on holiday’ feeling into busy working life

Today we have a guest post from Sophy Banks, as many of us return to w...

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Naresh Giangrande introduces the Transition Launch Online training

Transition Network’s Transition Launch training, the training de...

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Jen Gale on the power of learning to sew

Over the next 3 days, we’ll be publishing the winners of our Tra...

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The best course I ever did, and 11 Top Tips for creative teaching

Over the next few days we will be sharing the winning three stories in...

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Tech maintenance meet 050913

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Hide Enomoto on the spread of Transition in Japan

Hide Enomoto is one of Transition’s true pioneers, who also happens ...

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An interview with Nafeez Ahmed: “This is an unprecedented opportunity”

One of the most illuminating voices in the British media at the moment...

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Comms delivery group meeting report 3 September 2013

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