Conference 2010 – day tickets, videos, workshops and more
By Ed Mitchell 2nd June 2010
“If you are vaguely thinking of going but not sure if you can be bothered then my advice is to hesitate not, I went last year and it was awesome. I left feeling like a fruit bush in a permaculture garden, lovingly nurtured to the maximum of my potential and in mutually beneficial relationships with all around me.”
– unsolicited endorsement from Sideshow Tom up ‘North.
10 days left to the Transition Network UK Conference and things are reaching a very-excited zenith of activity and excitement. This is our last announcement about the conference, so sit up! If you miss this event, you will have missed something a bit special…
The workshop sessions are as wide-ranging as they are in depth, with sessions on all sorts from ‘Local Currencies’ to ‘The work that reconnects’, via gender and emotional connections and ‘going beyond cuddly transition’. Have a look at the conference workshops page – it’s great. The only problem is that it won’t be possible to go to all the sessions you want to.
Open Space session: 2009
It’s going to be at the superbly appointed agricultural college of Seale Hayne, meaning that we can do indoors activities as well as forest walks etc. as well as socialising, music making, or sitting quietly on your own. Don’t forget to bring frisbees, softball, footballs, yoga mats as we’ve got a range of outdoors-y activities up our sleeves and time set aside to run around/meditate/throw/kick balls.
Open Space output 2009
We’re cruising at a cool and groovy 275-ish attendees now, meaning that we’re nearly full. There are a few camping places left (not many) and some single rooms, so if you want to come along…
As well as the residential tickets, we have now released day tickets for Saturday and Sunday. There are 3 ticket types, ranging from £35 – £50 depending on whether you want meals (provided by a most excellent local cook). So, although we would rather you join us for the whole weekend (it’s going to be a cracker), if you can only do one day, that’s OK too.
Open Space breakout to the common, 2009
OK I think that’s enough excitement. Please come. It’s going to be great.
Here are some videos from last year
Conference homepage
Conference workshop listings