Diverse Routes To Belonging
By Mike Grenville 26th July 2010
Diverse Routes To Belonging
John McIntyre Conference Centre, Edinburgh
20-21st November 2010
It is part of human nature to form resilient communities based on co-operation and sharing – ones which live with care and respect for the earth and other species. The Transition approach is a recent expression of this, and there are many other cultural streams across the world – historical and current – which express it in their own way, all of whom can connect with communities across the world seeking to defend or re-create sustainable ways of living.
This conference invites you to come and share your work, explore where you come from and where you belong, and learn about other ways to connect with people in your own community and beyond.
In deeply understanding and re-connecting with the aspects that have shaped where we’ve come from and the local place we’re in, we aim to gather resources and strategies to help us in our efforts to make the urgent transition to a sustainable way of life. This will involve sharing stories of good practice, exploring cultural identity, and developing effective models of communication. It will include asking ourselves:
- What are cultural roots of that resilient and inclusive way of living of which Transition is a current expression?
- What are the roots and drivers of the consumerist lifestyle which is challenging the planet’s (and our social) capacity to cope?
- How can we recognise, connect with and contribute to other pre-existing local ways in which people are building resilient and inclusive communities?
- How can we learn from other cultural traditions and support other communities across the world to defend or re-create resilient communities?
The details are still in process, but get the dates in your diary check the Transition Scotland website for updates
Eva Schonveld
Transition Scotland Support