Don’t Panic, says Stoneleigh
By conference-2010 13th June 2010
According to Stoneleigh, who runs the AutomaticEarth blog site, during her presentation and Q&A, there’s an economic crash around the corner. She says “Don’t panic”, BUT then suggests selling you house and taking your money out of the bank (a mattress or hole in garden are safer apparently).
This is me in the bar thinking about her words.
I don’t think I have seen so many people looking so uncomfortable all at once in the same room.
It was hot in there and when Rob, struggling to open the windows whispered, “will everyone be ok, I think they are getting too hot”. I thought you bet they are! The windows stayed shut . . . .
Anyway. Stoneleigh’s talk was pretty dark. She predicts a bigger, deeper longer crash than our society has ever seen. Personally, I am not totally convinced by her certainty of that darkest of outcomes.
If you were there and still in shock, I am running the antidote to that in the Local Money workshop with Peter North and Mike Payne. Together we present the positive picture of what we can do about it and what is already being done.
If it has got to you, then make sure you join Sophy’s big group process. Pete Lipman is holding a “post Stoneleigh circle” and of course there’s Joanna Macey’s The Work That Reconnects session.
With all this, it’s worth remembering a key point that psychologist Richard Wiseman has made a career out of researching.
Pessimists are more likely to be right, but optimists are more likely to get what they want.
And remember DON’TÂ PANIC!!!!!