E-learning platforms: advice needed
By Ben Brangwyn 8th January 2012
Transition Network’s REconomy team are looking for advice for e-learning platform
Hi this is Nick Osborne here from the REconomy team. If you haven’t heard of us, REconomy is a project being run through Transition Training & Consulting, to support people in building new kinds of local economies.
I’m writing to ask if you or someone you know might have some knowledge or expertise in the area of E-Learning and can advise us on the best platform to use. We’re looking at this in response to the REconomy pilot group of 10 Transition Initiatives who have told us that they would like online training resources to use with their groups and communities. I am also considering how we may be able to use E-learning methods to support our other trainings too.
So far, Moodle is looking like the best option. It has an philosophy of learning that aligns with the Transition ethos; it’s free and open source; it is the standard platform used in education sector; and whoever I have asked about it has recommended it.
So, does anyone have any expertise in this area? Experience of, and opinions about, the pros and cons of using Moodle? Any other recommendations? Please comment below or let Nick know directly at nick (at) response-ability.org.uk.