End of ingredients/tools phase 1
By Ed Mitchell 14th April 2011
Having had an excellent ‘phase 1’ of the Transition Patterns project, we have taken the patterns down while they are edited for the book and later re-publishing on this site. Here is Rob’s post on the matter:
This is a short post to announce that the patterns directory on the Transition Network site has been taken down to be redesigned and reconceived.
It’s just about a year since we launched it as a way of keeping everyone informed about the ongoing work of developing ‘The Transition Companion’, and it has been hugely useful, generating many hundreds of comments, which have greatly informed subsequent revisions and edits and led to new ingredients being added (and some removed!).
It is our hope that a reworked online resource will be ready in time for the July Transition Network conference.
Hopefully you can live without them until then.
Thanks everyone who made this project so successful, in particular Transition Network web-supremo Ed Mitchell, and the wonderful Helen La Trobe, who is leaving Transition Network in a couple of weeks to return to work in Ghana (see right, at her leaving do) and for whose input we will forever be hugely grateful…