Exploring Sustainable Worlds through Migration
By Ainslie Beattie 31st July 2017 Culture & Society
It is wonderful to welcome our second Guest Editors – this time from Portugal, Raquel Ribeiro and Daniel Pinheiro, a couple who document stories of migration, particularly to their local area in Portugal, as well as examine the implications of migration and sustainable living. You can find their blog here.
Here are two short videos by them, firstly introducing their project intent over the coming months and secondly, their first installation, a discussion with Robert Hall, President of Ecolise, the European network of community led initiatives on sustainability and climate change. Robert discusses the impact of migration on local communities and how both the EcoVillage movement and Transition Movement can work to integrate and support Migrants.
As ever, please add your comments below the line. Do you live in an EcoVillage or have you migrated? We would love to hear your perspective.
Lets tell the story of how people come to Portugal to have a more sustainable life and explore the needs of both the locals and the new ex pats.
Robert Hall, President of Ecolise, discusses Migration and its impacts through his experience with Eco Villages.
There is a huge challenge, but also a huge opportunity to integrate foreigners that come to your area. This can often look like highly educated people with very different culture, different tastes, and different demands. This can bring innovation to depopulated countryside areas and bring new life to these areas.