Get ready for MAKE SMTHNG Week!
By Sarah McAdam 12th November 2018
This exciting campaign runs from 23 November (Black Friday) to 2 December 2018 and supports local organisers all around the world to create events and experiences that celebrate creativity and challenge our consumerist culture.
Organised by Shareable, Greenpeace international and a bunch of other partners, Make SMTHNG Week is an international festival of making which gives all of us who are involved in sharing, repairing and doing it ourselves a chance to be more visible, make connections and increase our impact. We think many Transition groups will be interested in getting involved!
Last year more than 15,000 people took part in 186 MAKE SMTHNG events spread across 33 countries on six continents. There were upcycling workshops, urban agriculture courses, homemade cosmetics classes, electronics repair spaces and vegan-cooking lectures. Every event was different and involved local partners from various backgrounds. Artists, chefs, food-savers, fashion and product designers, upcyclers, creatives, models, youtubers and bloggers, zero waste activists, repair cafes and many dedicated volunteers collaborated to make each event a special experience.
Your group may already be organising a repair café, shared meal, gardening session or something similar during the campaign period. Why not register your event on the Make SMTHNG Week website so that it becomes part of something bigger?
And it’s not too late to plan an event – the organisers have produced a fantastic Event Toolkit containing lots of ideas for activities which can be as ambitious or as personal as you choose.
Share your experiences, pictures, skills and knowledge with others and increase the profile of your project by using the tags #MakeSmthng #DisruptBlackFriday #MakeChangeNow
There is no such thing as 'away'. When we throw anything away, it must go somewhere.