January 2016 – Transition Network Newsletter
By Mike Grenville 7th January 2016
We begin a period of reflection with looking at burnout; say farewell and celebrate two key members of the Transition Network team; share some more reports from COP21; some offers of collaboration and review the latest Star Wars film.
Balance or Burnout?
This blog, the last from Sophy Banks as she leaves Transition Network, focuses on the causes of burnout – the physical, the personal, the cultural and some of the unconscious processes that are much harder to spot. We’re giving ourselves spacious time over the next two months to explore the theme, and there will be more on creating balance and health in later posts.
Help us celebrate two of Transition’s great pioneers.
We celebrate Sophy Banks and Fiona Ward, who have stepped back from Transition Network in order to pursue other things (or to not pursue the pursuit of not doing so much), and honour what they have brought to Transition, and what we’ve loved about working with them. And we’d love to hear your reflections too…
Sophy Banks reflects on 10 years at the heart of Transition
As Sophy Banks, the founder of the ‘Inner Transition’ aspect of what we do, moves on from Transition Network to pastures new, a moment we felt needed marking. So Rob Hopkins cycled up the not inconsiderable hill to Sophy’s house, and over a cup of tea we talked about Inner Transition, the legacy she feels she is leaving behind, why she decided it was time to step out, and what her wishes for the Transition movement would be.
Touching the Earth
After 8 breathless days in Paris, Rob Hopkins felt the need to sit and reflect, to digest. “It feels to me that we find ourselves in a new world. A world where coal lobby bosses now say that, post-COP21, they will be “hated like slave-traders”. A world where, on paper at least, the world is now committed to a 1.5 degree target. The language has changed, the conversation has changed.”
Sarah McAdam on riding the COP21 rollercoaster
She tells how during that time she moved bewilderingly quickly from moments of joy, connection and hope to moments of cynicism, anger and overwhelm and back again.
Reflections on a week in Paris at COP21
From Rob Hopkins and Jacqueline Fletcher.
More from the Transition team at COP21 collected here:
Help Us Build Our Translation Capacities
Transition Network has allocated a budget to establish a contract with a suitable individual (or, potentially, a partnership or small enterprise) with the skills, experience and commitment to design and develop support materials, processes and tools to expand the International Transition movement’s translation capacities. Applications by January 17th please.
More details:
French school looking for partner school in Europe for Transition collaboration project.
Here’s a message from a teacher in a French school who is looking for another school in Europe to liaise with for a collaborative Transition project.
“I’ve heard about you from the French movie “Demain” and loved what I heard about Transition. My name is Fabien Mano, I’m a French biology teacher in a high school in the south of France (Toulouse). Some of my pupils are involved in an European Section (Biology in English) and we are looking for a group of European Pupils for a pairing. My pupils are 16 years old and want to start a project about transition in collaboration. Maybe you know a teacher who could be interested in this?”
If there any potential school groups interested in partnering up with this school project, please contact <fabien.mano@gmail.com> directly.
‘Star Wars: The Force Awakens’ – a Transition review, in 7 Episodes
Like so very many people, Rob Hopkins fell for the hype, and at vast expense, took his kids to see the new Star Wars film, ‘The Force Awakens’, just before Christmas. “Although occasionally entertaining, and a mildly diverting way to pass 2 hours, it was also”, he says, “if we’re honest, a bit crap, and I thought it might be fun to ease my way back into 2016 blogging by offering some Transition-related thoughts on it”.
Launch online in English will be starting on January 12th. Click the banner for details:
What is Launch online?
More Transition Trainings:
REconomy North West
Saturday 6 February
The political idea of a ‘Northern Powerhouse’ is growing. But what is its purpose? What is our response? How do we benefit? “The road from Wigan Pier”: how can we shape our local Northern economies using grassroots projects, networks and ideas to inspire collective action & economic resilience?
“a complete human being is..not just what we do… we’re also the depth of our love for our children and each other and the people that are vulnerable. We are the vision that we can imagine and the beauty that we both bring and want to see in the world. We are the intensity of our grief when things are lost and go wrong and the enormity of our courage to stand in the face of things that are terrifying and say we’re still going to act.”
Sophy Banks