June 2013 – Transition Network Newsletter
By Mike Grenville 6th June 2013
Transition Network Newsletter – June 2013
The Power of Just Doing Stuff
Rob Hopkins new book launches
Something is stirring. People around the world are deciding that the well-being of their local community and its economy lies with them. They’re people like you. They’ve had enough, and, rather than waiting for permission, they’re rolling up their sleeves, getting together with friends and neighbours, and doing something about it. Whether they start small or big, they’re finding that just doing stuff can transform their neighbourhoods and their lives.
The Power of Just Doing Stuff argues that this shift represents the seeds of a new economy – the answer to our desperate search for a new way forward – and at its heart is people deciding that change starts with them. Communities worldwide are already modelling a more local economy rooted in place, in well-being, in entrepreneurship and in creativity. And it works.
Published on 13th June, you can pre-order the book here:
Transition Network Conference News for 2013
The Transition Network has put on a big conference every year from 2007 onwards. We are about to break that pattern, so brace yourselves for the news that 2013 will not see a big Transition Conference.
Transition Thursdays: Update and Schedule
Event listings appearing on the Network events list here:
Why I’m Flying
In spite of not having flown since 2006, Rob Hopkins is marking passing 400 ppm by getting back on an aeroplane. Find out why:
All Change at Transition Culture
Sat alongside, but apart from, Transition Network’s website, as Rob Hopkins own independent soapbox since 2005, Transition Culture is to be merged into the Network website.
Round up of what’s happening in Transition that includes: A community youth project in South Africa; ‘The Festival of the Bee’ in Louth; Bristol Pound partnered with the Sunrise Festival; 5th Birthday cake in Tooting and Kingston; the Crystal Palace Food Market launched; training in Spain; earth day in Brazil; a community picnic and fruit picking event in Italy and of course lots more.
Community Round Up from the USA
More ‘Community News‘ items from initiatives’ websites around the web and the Community Microsites
An interview with Prof. Calvin Jones: “Economics is a child of the oil age”
We are running a pilot this year and are very keen to continue next year and into the future, so support at this stage is crucial and much appreciated. So please subscribe and help keep the conversation going. We are now working on our autumn issue (out Sept 1) and would welcome any letters, ideas, great photographs or feedback.
Stories from our SOCIAL REPORTERS
New For Me
From her experience joining an already established Transition Initiative, Kerry Lane identifies the importance of having sensible communication processes in place if you want more people to get involved.
Go Garstang!
Fifteen years ago the world’s first Fairtrade Town (or rather village) began here. Caroline Jackson reports on their first year in Transition.
Thinking of starting a Transition Initiative?
From here experinece of helping start Transition Dartmouth Park, in North London, Sara Ayech offers some take-home tips for starting a new initiative.
Your Fairy Godmother
“If you could grant a new initiative three wishes, what would they be” asks Caroline Jackson
Shrewsbury Opens Its Green Doors
Through sunshine and snow, James Smith lets us in on how homes with improvements opened their doors.
Sustainable South Brent
The foundations are in and Laura Denning hopes that the Comunity Energy turbine will be operational late this summer.
The Newton Abbot Energy Sculptures
Creating some public art was something that was tangible and visible around the ideas of energy saving and renewable energy that Helen Chessum hoped would spark a discussion in our town.
Transition Plymouth
Jeremy Guise describes how a small group is acting as a catalyst for change in their area.
Green politics?
Like many an initiative, newly elected Councillor Caroline Jackson is mulling.
The Audacity Of Starting Something New
Starting something new is a revolutionary act says Jay Tompt about his involvement starting a newspaper and a Local Entrepreneur Forum.
Climbing the Mountain
Faced with mountains, Grant Venner at first sees them as great, insurmountable things, for which he has neither the ability, nor the equipment, to climb.
“A little piece of land …”
A year later, Caroline Jackson still doesn’t quite own it yet, but she isn’t short of ideas as to what to do with it when she does.
Effective Groups
15-16 June Forest Row
Explores communication, collaboration and making decisions in groups. It is for anyone trying to work together effectively, dynamically and creatively.
Resilient Food Systems
5-6 July. North Suffolk
A key piece of any relocalised economy is local food. New, resilient, low carbon, and profitable food enterprises are popping up all over. Resilient Food Systems is a new two day course designed to help you join this food revolution, with loads of practical advice on how to set up and run profitable food enterprises that don’t cost the earth.
Transition THRIVE – for established Transition groups
6-7 July. Totnes
Our advanced training, which will help you to sustain momentum in your Transition Initiative and at a personal level. Packed with ideas and inspiration to help you move your Transition Initiative to the next level. The flexible training structure allows us to work with questions and issues that have arisen in your Transition Initiative and develop workable action plans to take back to your Transition group.
Transition LAUNCH
14-15 September. Totnes
Our original training with lots of practical ideas on how to set up, run and grow a Transition Initiative. Also useful for people who have recently become involved in Transition and want to develop the essential skills and insights to help their initiative become a success.
Resilient Food Systems
13-14 September. Essex
Inner Transition – introduction to Inner Transition
21-22 September. London
Transition Launch is going on line.
Our hugely successful fundamentals training packed with imaginative ways to delve into the practice of Transition showing you how to set up, run and grow a Transition Initiative will now be delivered on line from October 2013. Anyone, anywhere in the world (with an internet connection), can now participate in an eight week journey in Transition without having to leave your own home. Details to follow in the next newsletter.
International Permaculture Day
For a great dose of inspiration from around the world, take a look through some of these short video interviews.
Our Transition Youtube Channel
6th annual Transition Camp
4-6 October 2013. Sussex
Early, early bird tickets until the end of June.
More Transition events here
Quote of the Month
“The future is already here, it’s just not evenly distributed.” William Gibson
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This newsletter is published on the first Friday of each month.
Newsletter Editor: Mike Grenville,
from Transition Forest Row for the Transition Network
Contact: mgrenville@gmail.com