March 2009 – Transition Network Newsletter
By Noemi Andacs 9th January 2010
- ‘The Transition Timeline’ For a local resilient future By Shaun Chamberlin
- Future scenarios review
- The 11th Hour film review
- Let us be human: Prophecy, Peak Oil and the Path for the Faithful
- A round-up of stories from across the Transition Network
- From North To South Europe
- East Anglian Groups Meet Up
- The Man Who Wants To Plant Trees
- Co-Op Offers Transition Grants
- Stroud Communiversity
- Energy efficiency, micro-generation and Eco-renovation events survey
- The Big Lunch
Conference Training Programme
Although the Transition Network Conference in May is now fully booked, there is a long list of trainings before and after the conference which are open to conference attendees, other transitioners and non-transitioners alike.
Book Review: ‘The Transition Timeline’ For a local resilient future By Shaun Chamberlin
Another invaluable tool for transition initiatives has been published called the Transition Timeline. With a foreward and a section written by Rob Hopkins, Shaun Chamberlian’s book explores future scenarios and outlines some tools for groups to explore how the future might look themselves.
Book Review: ‘Future Scenarios’ by David Holmgren
The new book by the co-originator of the permaculture concept is a short and accessible introduction to the impact of a change to the way we consume energy will have on our society.
Book Review: Let us be human: Prophecy, Peak Oil and the Path for the Faithful
We could say that our inability to face up to Peak Oil is a failure of our imagination. A booklet by The Revd Sam Norton, ‘Let us be human: Prophecy, Peak Oil and the Path for the Faithful‘ looks at Peak Oil from a Christian perspective and issues a call to articulate a vision of hope and develop new communities along the model of ‘Transition Towns’.
Film Review: The 11th Hour
With contributions from over 50 politicians, scientists, and environmental activists, including former Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev, physicist Stephen Hawking, Nobel Prize winner Wangari Maathai, and ecologist Paul Hawken, ‘The 11th Hour’ film documents the grave problems facing the planet’s life systems. Global warming, deforestation, mass species extinction, and depletion of the oceans’ habitats are all addressed – although Peak Oil only gets a brief mention.
A round-up of stories from across the Transition Network
A digest of Transition-related stories that picked up by Rob Hopkins across the web over the last 4 weeks. It offers an instructive and fascinating insight into where Transition has gone and what it is up to.
From North To South Europe
Transition initiatives are spreading down through Europe to countries such as Sweden, Ireland, Italy, France and Spain with a growing body of translated materials.
East Anglian Groups Meet Up
From across East Anglia, Transition Groups met up in March for a day to meet, talk, plan, network and celebrate.
The Man Who Wants To Plant Trees
If a few transition communities took tree planting seriously it could quickly add up to a lot of tree planting with many Climate Change and local resilience benefits.
Co-Op Offers Transition Grants
The Co-operative is offering towns and villages in the South West UK grants to help them get going. The grants of £100 – £150 are to cover anything from organising a community meeting to developing an energy action plan.
Stroud Communiversity
Stroud Communiversity returns this year with a fresh feast of Stroud’s finest projects being showcased and explored over three packed days in May.
The Big Lunch
Imagine a summer’s day on which millions of us, throughout the UK, sit down to have lunch together, with our neighbours. In the middle of our streets, around our tower blocks and on every patch of common ground. An Eden Project inspiration, the idea is to get your neighbours out for a street party Sunday lunch together on 19th July.
Quote of the Month
“The UK has now used the levels of resources it should consume in an entire year if it were to be ecologically self-sufficient. In 1961 it was 9 July, but this year it falls on Easter Sunday.”
Andrew Simms, policy director, the New Economics Foundation (Nef).
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Deadline for next newsletter Thursday 30th April
This Newsletter Edited by Mike Grenville
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