May 2013 – Transition Network Newsletter
By Mike Grenville 2nd May 2013
Transition Network Newsletter – May 2013
New Delivery Director
As the first step in its planned restructure, Transition Network has appointed Sarah McAdam to the post of Delivery Director. She will be leading work to develop and ensure effective implementation of our strategy and helping focus our resources and attention on activity that’s most likely to make a difference. Thanks everyone who took the time and trouble to apply for this post – we had a lot of interest from across the movement.
Transition Network Job: Initiative Support Co-ordinator
We are seeking to appoint an Initiative Support Coordinator who will play a key role in building relationships with Transition Initiatives, and will work with them to develop a wide range of resources to inspire and support the work they are doing.
Application closing date: midday 20th May 2013
Announcing the ‘Power of Just Doing Stuff’
There are just a few weeks until publication in June of Rob Hopkins new book ‘The Power of Just Doing Stuff: how local action can change the world’. The aim of of the book is to take Transition mainstream and share the ideas that the Transition movement has defined over the last 8 years in a way that connects with people both within and outside the movement. We feel this really represents a landmark publication for Transition and are really hoping that you will be able to help us to get it out into the world with a splash. Find out more about the book and some ways you can help:
Elders and Youngers in Transition
Honouring the Elders is step 10 of the Twelve Steps of how to start a Transition Initiative Isabel Carlisle reminds us. The One Year in Transition programme, starting in September, is looking for more mentors as well as opening up a discussion about mentoring, elders and youngers in Transition.
April round up of what’s happening in Transition
Stories include a night fundraising bike ride in Keynsham, villages in Belgium linking up, the 2013 Spanish Transition conference report, a workshop called “How does Lewes benefit from the local environment?”, communicating climate change in Hertfordshire, Transition Homes project in Totnes – and of course much more …
March Transition Community Roundup
Hop planting in Crystal Palace, Resilience Festivals in Guelph & Salt Spring, news from France, Germany, Ireland, Japan, Portugal and Spain. An Alternative Clothes Show, hosted by Transition Crouch End,
Find ‘Community News’ items from initiatives’ websites around the web and the Community Microsites on our website here:
Keep up with daily stories generated by Transition Initiatives from the ‘Initiatives list’ on the Transitiontowns twitter account:
In Print and Online – Transition Free Press summer issue
24 pages of news and views, photographs and great articles, contributed by Transitioners and community activists. Ordinary people doing extraordinary stuff in all kinds of places: in the city, in the wild, in books, housing co-ops, small businesses, allotments, in the park, down the pub, on the (solar- panelled) roof, underwater, even on the netball court. Read it online and subscribe here:
- Economic Evaluation reports from Totnes & Herefordshire
- Shane recently went to Brazil and has written a couple of great blog posts about the economic challenges there, as seen through a REconomy lens.
- Want to organise a REconomy event?
- Help us dream our future into being
International Permaculture Day – Sunday 5 May
Join a global 24 hour live web broadcast celebration. This year’s theme is ‘Grow Local!’ to highlight the value of permaculture design for building local resilience. Contribute your reports live on how you’re growing local in your community. Info here:
The Transition US May Challenge
Last year over 4,000 actions in communities across the country were registered as part of the Transition Challenge. Actions fall into one or more of four challenge areas: food, water, energy and/or community.
Ajudada – an international gathering
14-16 June, Portugal
Filipa Pimentel, the Transition Network national hubs co-ordinator, tell us about an event that aims to foster the real economy of Portalegre that could be an inspiration and model for communities everywhere.
More Transition events here
Transition Ingredients: Daring to Dream
Dreaming of Neighbourhood
‘Daring to dream’ is the fifth and final Transition ingredient, and far from being as whimsical as the title suggests, it actually refers to imagining what Transition would look like if it were implemented nationally, enabled by government and council policy and invested in properly. Sara Ayech looks at how her initiative although young are ploughing ahead with these ingredients.
Oh Look, We Are an Ingredient!
Kerry Lane explains how the social reporters blog is in fact a transition ingredient.
Daring to Dream
Jo Homan does some blue sky thinking and visioning for Transition Finsbury Park.
I Double Dog Dare You to Dream
If we dare to dream, isn’t it about deep and comprehensive cultural shift? A global pulse of dialectical new thinking that once and for all transcends the Enlightenment and utterly reinvents its legacy political, economic, educational institutions? If we dream, let us dream big. But let us also do the work. Jay Tompt lays down a challenge.
The End of Waste
Getting Passionate about a Load of Rubbish
There is a load of Rubbish going on in Shrewsbury and Kerry Lane tells us about slimming our bins.
Hot Under the Collar about Wasteful Design
Katy Anderson introduces the cutting edge approach to zero waste.
Energy from Waste
Should we Generate Energy from Waste?
Jay Tompt explores this sometimes controversial issue
The Fate of Videos: A Transition Leytonstone Investigation
Some people will go to great lengths to recycle.
Diana Korchien tells the story of her initiatives mission to recycle videos.
Posts From The Edge
Let Them Eat Chocolate and hedgerow jam cake, with elderflower custard
Sara Ayech writes the first in our series of more experimental blogs, in our newly invented ‘edge weeks’. It’s particularly tasty…
An ongoing series of inteviews by Rob Hopkins.
Joanna Macy and Chris Johnstone
Effective Groups trainer Nick Osborne
Inner Transition Workshop In Canada with Sophy Banks.
19-20 June. Guelph, Canada
Cost: $50/$100 For queries, bursaries and to book please contact
Inner Transition Workshops
If you are interested in attending the next workshop in London or hosting one where you are please email:
Effective Groups – Creating Culture
Creating Culture is the first of a series of videos explaining areas that need attention for a group to be healthy, effective and successful:
Effective Groups Training dates:
21-22 May. Bristol
15-16 June. near East Grinstead/Gatwick
Transition THRIVE
06-07 July. Totnes
Our advanced training, which will help you to sustain momentum in your Transition Initiative and at a personal level. Packed with ideas and inspiration to help you move your Transition Initiative to the next level. The flexible training structure allows us to work with questions and issues that have arisen in your Transition Initiative and develop workable action plans to take back to your Transition group. More info
Transition LAUNCH
14-15 September. Totnes
Our original training with lots of practical ideas on how to set up, run and grow a Transition Initiative. Also useful for people who have recently become involved in Transition and want to develop the essential skills and insights to help their initiative become a success. More info:
Resilient Food Systems
5-6 July. North Suffolk
This new 2 day training is for any food producer, farmer, grower (urban or rural), or food processor (large or small) wanting to move to low carbon, resilient systems. Also for those interested in setting up modern food systems in their Transition groups. Start to make your farm, or food business meet the challenges of our time and ensure you are poised to take advantage of the opportunities as they arise, without falling victim to the many challenges that lie ahead. This training will be highly interactive, fun and run by skilled facilitators (who are also in the food business).
Quote of the Month
“Whatever one possesses, becomes of double value, when we have the opportunity of sharing it with others.”
Jean-Nicolas Bouilly (1763 – 1842)
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This newsletter is published on the first Friday of each month.
Newsletter Editor: Mike Grenville,
from Transition Forest Row for the Transition Network