New Currency Research Project
By Mike Grenville 8th April 2010
A new research project is interested in hearing from Transition activists who are involved in developing / managing complementary currencies.
Noel Longhurst, one of the team who established the Totnes Pound is now working on a research project at the University of East Anglia (UEA) that is exploring the barriers that confront community currencies. The Grassroots Innovations: Community Currencies project is being led by Dr Gill Seyfang, who has been researching currencies for several years and also undertook the first (2009) survey of the Transition movement in the UK.
As well as trying to develop an understanding of the state of the global currency ‘movement’ they are interested in hearing about examples of currencies that are in some sense exemplars (e.g. longevity, size) or are attempting to innovate in some way. There is also the opportunity to write a short paper in a special edition of the International Journal of Community Currency Research, also hosted at the UEA. Papers can focus on exemplars, innovations or recent developments within a particular geographical region.
For more information on either the project or the journal contact Noel at
Photo: Lewes pound launch, Sepetember 2008. Photo Mike Gremnvile