New support framework for Transition Groups being developed, let us know what you think!
By sam rossiter 1st May 2014
Hi everyone, it’s great that you are taking your time to give us your feedback on the new support framework we are developing for Transition initiatives. Right now, we’re asking for your feedback on:
a) the very hi-level framework for providing support to Initiatives which splits initiatives into 3 phases
- Phase 1: setting up and developing a strong core group
- Phase 2: setting up and delivering projects
- Phase 3: developing and thriving into a broader initiativ
b) the detailed framework for Phase 1. This detailed framework, when agreed, will tell us precisely what new material we need to produce and also how we need to reorganise existing support resources, tools and content. Later, we’ll be repeating this process for the frameworks for Phases 2 and 3″.
We have spent the last 6 months developing the framework based on research into what makes a successful Transition Initiative as well as taking into account feedback from groups and individuals.
We reckon the easiest way for you to provide us with feedback (and certainly for us to analyse it and turn it into an action plan) is via a survey. We’ve prepared one with plenty of space to tell us what you think. Feedback provided via email will not be included in our analyses – it’s too unstructured, complex and time-consuming. If you have trouble with the survey, please contact Mike with a detailed description of the problem. You’re probably the last group in the world that we need to encourage to be honest, so just tell us straight what your views and concerns are via the survey.
——> Please take the survey – here.
FYI, the survey closes on 25-May, so if you want to help us determine how we support Transition groups around the world, we need your comments by then.
As part of the ongoing process of the development of the new support offer, we are hoping to setup a small reference group who would comment on the finer details of the new support offer. If you are interested in being part of this group, then email me at with “Reference group” as the subject line as well as your name and role in the Transition movement.
As a token of our appreciation, all people who fill in the survey and leave their contact email, are automatically entered into a competition to win one of 3 signed copies of Rob Hopkins latest book The Power of Just Doing Stuff.
Thanks again for your time, we really value your comments and we’ll act upon them.
Mike Thomas,
Transition Initiative Support Coordinator.