Profiles of the month
By Ed Mitchell 9th April 2010
Two profiles we love:
As you may know, we launched the new site in March and are now in a continuous state of improving, tweaking, updating, enhancing and generally servicing the site as you would any dynamic system.
There is no such thing as a ‘finished product’ on the web these days, especially when we are considering a site such as ours, which is in reality the result of whatever you put into it. This is wonderful and a bit scarey at the same time – ‘control’ is a long way away, but that’s how it should be in a movement such as ours.
So we are absolutely delighted to see that initiatives and projects and people from around the movement have stepped forward and started adding themselves to the directories under their own steam. We are now hosting 342 initiative profiles (285 official and 57 muller), and 37 project profiles. As well as these profiles, more than 600 people have created or updated their people profiles too – good work all!
The more we love the site, the more it will love us, and the more interconnections we can find and celebrate. Nick Weir, a driving force behind the The Stroud Food hub recently said that he had received some good contact emails having added their project profile – which is exactly what this directory is for. Hurray!
So here are two of our favourite profiles from March – with enormous thanks to Josiah Meldrum (TT Bungay) and Dan Hurring (Somerset County Council).
1. Bungay’s Initiative profile:
- all fields completed (especially location!)
- clear contact points for media, volunteer, primary etc.
- excellent description of the initiative, its history and current interests
- links to the projects (in the projects directory) that they have added
- selection of themes the initiative is strong in
- extra links to their website and google group and news feed
2. Transition Audit: Somerset County Council:
- all fields completed (especially location!)
- clear contact points for further discussion
- excellent description of the project, its aim, inspiration, outcomes, context etc.
- it’s not related to an initiative but that doesn’t matter as we have the main contact point
- selection of themes the project is strong in
- good use of ‘tags’ for referencing (we’ll use tags in a few months)
- clear outline of the resources and partnerships
- lessons learned – totally invaluable!
Good work all! Keep it up!