Rob Hopkins on Diversity and Inclusion
By Catrina Pickering 11th January 2011
As part of his new project charting the many and varied “ingredients” that make up Transition, Rob Hopkins has written an ingredient on Diversity and Inclusion. He writes “Building an Initiative that integrates all the strengths and concerns in your community means starting with everyone in that community and interweaving diversity into everything you do. In practise, it’s about a lot more than putting up posters in a few carefully chosen places. Rather than inviting people to your meetings and expecting them to come along, it’s about going out to other people and listening. It means finding out about the strengths, concerns and the passions that fuel the fire of everyone in your community and then together with your own ideas, using that as the building blocks for creating an inclusive vision that informs everything you do. The result will be a just, fair and infinitely more resilient Transition.”
Read the Diversity and Inclusion Ingredient.