Seeding Change – Personal Growth & Social Transformation course opportunity
By Laura Whitehead 27th September 2012
A week course to explore and learn how to embrace change as a creative opportunity for growing being held from 10 – 16 November in Spain:
- Practical resources for low-impact and sustainable living
- Permaculture
- Tools for personal change and growth
- Tools for developing community resilience
- Local economics & transition movements
- Communication skills – effective listening, NVC non-violent communication, conflict resolution
Methods include: group work and discussions, practical demonstrations and workshops, individual and paired activities, audio-visual presentations, guided walks and tours, simulations and open spaces for skillsharing. A course funded by the EU Grundtvig Program.
Costs: Workshop fee, travel booking and accommodation in Sunseed will be covered by the Grundtvig grant.Who can apply: unemployed & unwaged and low-income adults not in full-time education from EU countries except Spain.
Age +18. Apply by 1st October 2012.
You can download here the Seeding change Grundtvig workshop presentation and the Application Form for the Course. For further information and applications contact Sunseed and visit their course information page on their website.