Seeking Drupal developers – front and backend
By Ed Mitchell 30th January 2013
Calling all drupal-friendly developers – front and backenders.
The ‘Transition Technologist’ group is expanding and we’re looking for people to share the development and maintenance of and related web services.
What the job is
In a nutshell, we have a mature, relatively complex drupal 6 installation which supports a range of user types and content types in centralised directories, and more distributed web services. There is a range of straightforward drupal business and more specialised hand-coded stuff. We’re using multiple content types, user roles, Views, Panel pages, Features and some hand-coded kit.
Other jobs come up too; we support a range of Transition projects by introducing them to good techs and designers.
At the moment we are specifically looking for a developer to help the Transition Research Network take their WAGN-based ‘guidelines for Transition Researchers’ to readiness for public presentation. This work has budget and needs to be done NOW.
Who you are
You will know what this means and will have experience of participating in such a gig. You might be a deeper backend developer keen on the beauty of an elegant database, or a front-end person focused on usability and working on making the site coherent for users. Either way, you work with code on a living site, using a shared publishing process and open source practices, replete with all its lovely quirks and inter-dependencies.
You’re also reliable, a good documenter and communicator, happy with sharing decisions and working with a virtual group on a complex site in a complex world.
We work as a collaborative and communicative group with shared budgets and open timekeeping rather than pitches and bids and competition. It’s worked so far, and has lead to other projects between the developers elsewhere.
We can pay between £200 and £250 per day, depending on budgets; as above, we share the budgets as a group, so the risk is shared. Sometime voluntary work happens as well.
What we are doing right now
We are currently mid massive software and server move to BOA and github. We are working on getting our site and publishing documentation done so that we all know what’s going on. We are producing a communications plan which will give the site good context. We will be re-configuring the Transition Network site in the next few months in advance of launching our new book and editorial direction.
What you do next if you think it sounds good
- Please email the web project to introduce yourself and Ed the web manager will add you to the list. Please outline your competencies and experience and availability briefly.
- The first job is to find a suitable developer for the Research WAGN project. Is that you?
- It’s an emergent process so bear with us!
Various pieces of information which should be useful for you
- Transition Network wiki page with more information and outline
- Email the web project for more information