The first Israeli Transition Gathering
By rob hopkins 10th June 2016 Culture & Society
By Yoav Egozi of the Transition Israel Hub: On the 24th of April we held our first Israeli Transition Gathering. It was held in Tivon, where our longest running TI is. Somewhere around 150-200 people from all over Israel took part in our celebration, and according to the feedback we have had, had a great time and had learned a lot. The gathering was prepared by a group of Transition activists from Tivon and other parts of Israel and I believe that our calm, harmonious and fun way of working together (mainly on internet calls) had a significant influence on the atmosphere on the gathering.
On the gathering morning we started with singing (‘Belle Mama’, of course) and a opening ceremony. Then we went into 2 sessions of parallel workshops that included: inner transition work, sustainable fashion, gift circle, playback theater, building multicultural communities, a transition to a regenerative architecture, urban food forests, how to start a good Transition project, theatre as a tool for change, dancing our future, bike repair workshop, a kindergarden without walls, neighbourhoods in transition, global warming, future scenrios, the great supermarket escape, and juggling.
All held by volunteering people that we have a great appreciation for. Then we went for a long lunch break. Some people brought their own food, some people that came as a group shared a picnic and some bought food from the local vegetarian and vegan stalls that came to the gathering. We also had a short concert of live music for children and children at heart with a singer and songwriter from Tivon.
After the break we held an Open Space session that many interesting topics. And we closed the day with a short report from the O.S. and appreciation for the great day. Thank you to all the people that took part in the gathering, and to all our friends in the Transition Movement the inspire us so much.
To complete our Transition-Spring on May we will host the dear Juan del-Rio from the Spanish hub for Launch and Inner trainings. You are all very welcome to join. All details are on the TN website.