Transition mobile update
By Ed Mitchell 7th January 2011
Paul Mackay from Transition Belsize and the Transition Drupal project has put together our first ever mobile application (it turns out he is also a mobile phone web application expert, luckily for us). Nice one Paul! It is currently a ‘pre-beta’ prototype, but we hope to be seeing this out and about by early summer.
This is an entirely voluntary project and is steaming ahead brilliantly. He has done the first prototype on the ‘Android’ platform and intends to do one on the Apple platform too.
This will mean that if you have a suitable smartphone, wherever you are, you will be able to find out the initiatives, projects, people and news around you. Handy, eh? As well as this, it will help broaden the reach of Transition as a wider demographic of people can use the mobile web than the normal web.
You can see a screengrab of the earliest working prototype here. Naturally it’s not that glamorous as it’s a working prototype, but I had to include it as it’s so exciting.
We have a few requests to help Paul with his work:
- Do you have an android phone you can give or lend Paul to do testing?
- Are you interested in testing or helping out?
Please either email Ed or leave a comment here to get in touch and lend a hand to this very generous and innovative piece of voluntary work.