Transition Network Newsletter – January 2010
By Mike Grenville 10th January 2010
The January 2010 Transition Network newsletter
The 2010 Transition Network Conference
This year the Transition Network conference will be held in Forest Row, East Sussex on the 29th, 30th and 31st May. The theme of the conference will be ‘Broadening’, taking the Transition approach wider and deeper.
The Transition South East Conference
You are warmly invited to the The Transition South East Conference. Make space in your diaries for a unique chance to get together for a day with like minded people coming to Brighton from all over the region to weave stories, learn, be inspired and get support and get productive. If it’s anything like other Transition conferences, it is likely to give us a Transition tickle and leave us itching for action.
European Transition Conference
A “European Transition Conference” is being planned as a camp in 2010 from Wednesday 19th May 19 to Monday, 24th May 2010 in northern Germany.
Transition Training in Germany
24/25th April
2 day “Training for Transition” course in Bielefeld, Germany
Please note this training will be held in German / Der Kurs wird auf Deutsch gehalten!
For more details & registration please go to:
Danish & Spanish Primers
“Grundbog for overgangsinitiativer” and Compendio De Iniciativas De Transicion … We now have Danish and Spanish translations of the Transition Initiatives Primer.
Seeking New Trustees for Transition Network!
Transition Network is looking for new Trustees. We are looking for people who want to help support the organisation and the growing movement, as well as represent the diversity of the movement.
Web Project Update
Transition Network Web Co-ordinator Ed Mitchell gives us an update on the Transition web project.
Bringing Diversity to Transition
The strategic work to bring diversity into Transition in the UK has now begun. APE (Artists Planet Earth) has awarded funding to the Transition Network to pay for a years-worth of engagement across all sectors of our communities to include in particular people in low income, Black, Minority and Ethnic (BME) and faith groups. Isabel Carlisle reports on the project and puts a call out for examples of existing good practice and potential pilot studies.
Googlemap of Transition Presenters
There’s a constant stream of requests by Transition Initiatives for speakers about transition matters and other areas such as renewables, composting, economics. If you’re reasonably adept at presenting, are involved in your local transition group and would like to support other groups in this way, it would be truly wonderful if you could add yourself to the googlemap of transition presenters
Transition Discussion Course
Sustainable NE Seattle, an “official” Transition Initiative in North America, has developed a six-week discussion course based on The Transition Handbook. They are now making the course available to other Transition Initiatives who want to offer it to their own members.
A Draft Guide for Holding Transition Hustings
A small group of us have spent the last few weeks working on what will become a booklet for Transition initiatives, which will help with the setting up of community grillings of our political candidates, allowing constituents to assess the degree of resilience thinking in their policies. It could provide the basis for an event, co-run with a range of other similar local organisations. It sets out how to do hustings, a guide to what resilience means, and also 10 Frequently Asked Questions that might arise. We are now throwing the draft over to you for your thoughts and consideration. We hope you find this useful, and look forward to your thoughts.
Storytelling for Times of Transition
19-21st March 2010
A weekend of Training for Transition Tales aimed at educators of all description; in fact anyone wanting to work with school and/or community groups of all ages to engage them in the process of visioning and develop Transition Tales in their area.
Transition Music
On the Forum Andrea Berardi noted that while where’s lots of eco-documentaries around now that deal with transition related subjects. But what about “transition music”? Join the debate and post your suggestions here
Videos: Money, Food & Peak Oil
Some excellent online videos about the Lewes Pound, 100 Years Of Food, Transition Calgary and a compelling, hard nosed peak oil, economics and carbon pricing talk by economist Jeff Rubin.
First Low Carbon Challenge Winners
The 10 ‘first movers’ in the Department of Energy and Climate Change’s ‘Low Carbon Communities Challenge’ Phase 1 winners have been announced. Communities in Norfolk, Isle of Wight, London, Nottinghamshire, Pembrokeshire, Cheshire, Northumberland, Yorkshire, Oxfordshire and Devon are the first of twenty communities to benefit from a £10million fund as part of the Low Carbon Communities Challenge. Another 10 projects will be announced in January.
Quote of the Month“We know we are at one of those moments in our history where the future of our economy, our environment, and our society will be shaped by the choices we make now.”
Hilary Benn, Environment Secretary, January 2010
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Next Edition March 2010. Content Submission Deadline 2nd March
Newsletter Editor: Mike Grenville, from Transition Forest Row
Transition Network: 43 Fore Street, Totnes, Devon, TQ9 5HN, UK
Tel: +44 (0)5601 531882