TTIP and Transition
By Transition Roadshow 12th July 2014
Today is National Day of Action on TTIP. Brian Woodward is asking Transitioners to contact their MPs to question the benefits of the TTIP agreement to our country and to Europe. Email your MP about the issues – you may know more than s/he does:
- The environment will suffer – countries will not be able to cite environmental reasons for refusing developments such as fracking
- The NHS will no longer exist because health provision will have to be opened up to international competition
- In investor-state disputes corporations will be able to sue countries for future loss of earnings – it is already happening to South American states, Australia was sued for restricting packaging of cigarettes, Monsanto wish to sue Vermont simply for deciding GM content should be labelled on foodstuffs.
- Agribusinesses see TTIP as an open market for crop sprays and GM foods
See the websites of War on Want and WDM for more information to use to convince your MP (and your Transition colleagues) that TTIP is bad for Britain.
Brian Woodward is a member of South Lakes Action on Climate Change