Unlimited Scotland – NESTA cash for great ideas
By Ed Mitchell 1st December 2010
This looks interesting – NESTA are funding Scottish community projects with new services for their communities.
Their announcement follows and you can read more about the funding and apply on the NESTA website.
Has your community work led you to form new ideas for services which might benefit your community? Are you over 50?
NESTA, the National Endowment for Science, Technology and the Arts, has announced that it has grants of up to £10,000 available to support people in their 50’s and 60’s who have great ideas that can improve their community.
Successful applicants will be offered training, mentoring and ongoing support in addition to funding in order to progress their idea. Applicants to the programme don’t have to have a fully formed idea.
Nesta are looking for a team or individual with a seed of an idea for a new locally run service which can be scaled and replicated in other areas of Scotland; save the public purse by offering services that are more cost-effective, or for which clients would be willing to pay a small amount; and are genuinely innovative and do not duplicate what is already in the community.
Short-listed candidates will be invited to a one day workshop in February which will be an opportunity to meet like-minded people, refine their idea and work out the next steps to make it work. The closing date for applications is the 7th February 2011
Read more and apply on the NESTA website