Update for potential Transition Technologists
By Ed Mitchell 30th May 2013
I hope you are well and having a good day. You said that you would be interested in working with Transition Network as a (drupal) developer – so I thought I’d send you a short update as we’ve not been in touch for a while.
The call went out and I received nine replies from mostly technical devs and three mid-frontenders. Everyone looked very handy and it was good.
Since then, we’ve moved onto our new Drush and Aegir (BOA) system and it is going OK. We’ve hit some bumps and issues and had some entertaining chases around the system to resolve issues as they arise – which was pretty much expected. We’ve documented the publishing process loosely with various options, and have just successfully worked it with the new designer. Hurray.
Transition Network have been on a ‘getting our comms straight’ tip for a few months – this will continue for a few months more while we also attend to our strategic stuff. We’ve also employed a ‘Delivery Director’ to help the organisation move on to a more structured place. This is new to us, so everything is taking a bit of time.
Meanwhile, we are about to publish a new book, which is out in mid-June. Accompanying this has been our first foray into doing PR properly, a gentle site re-design, and info graphic work for the PR to get the book out. We are also doing some subscriptions work and commenting improvements as we are also moving Rob Hopkins’ much loved blog onto the Transition Network website. There will also no doubt follow some form of social media campaigning too.
We’ve also set up a WordPress only virtual server for our projects and others who need to have their own sites. Part of the point of that is to keep some sense of order to things, and offer people some reliable WordPress devs/designers, so we’re also keen on those (I know you do this Astrid).
As far as you’re concerned – our first new developer requirement was a designer. We needed someone close to Bristol with daytime availability – which was Ben Jarlett.
Ben’s nearly done on a new design which goes up early June.
Once all this PR excitement is over, I can get back to the deeper tech works at the data/logic level. There may be some of this in late summer/early autumn, and my sense is that there is likely to be a site re-configuration early next year – once Transition Network has done some useful strategy work – all budget dependent as ever. I’m very keen to distribute the responsibility for the deeper technical work from Jim alone to share with others, so looking for opportunities and budget to start that happening… in charity world, which means it may be some time..
I’ll be in touch if/as/when things emerge, but right now, don’t think there’s anything worth revving anyone up for.
I trust you are well and have plenty of inspiring, productive and financially satisfying work, and life is good.
Some links: