Volunteer required for European Transition learning exchanges
By Ed Mitchell 3rd November 2011
Transition Network is creating a series of learning exchanges that will enable us all to learn from innovative and successful Transition Initiative projects and social enterprises across Europe.
We will be submitting a Grundtvig (practical learning for adults) EU grant application, with a view to the first visit; a UK/ Swedish exchange/training tour for approx 10 to 15 Swedish people to take place in May/June 2012, and a complimentary tour of Swedish projects thereafter.
A volunteer is required to prepare and submit an application for funding to Grundtvig (above).
There will be an emphasis on food projects in the UK tour e.g. could involve a trip to Grow Heathrow, Dorset Community Farm and Riverford Farm. The return trip to Sweden would look at community renewable energy projects, visiting a large scale community energy company in Sala, and bio gas production in Malmo.
The volunteer would need to commit 5-10 hours per week over 1 month to get the application submitted.
If the application is successful then the volunteer would need to follow up and help organise the tours.
For more information please email Naresh Giangrande or phone him – 001 (0)7913 555 896.