Weird messages from our development server
By Ed Mitchell 28th September 2010
Thank you very much to Nicole Brammy for bringing this to our attention – our development server seems to be sending some email alerts to site users which it should not be doing.
These are confusing as they look like they are your normal subscriptions emails, but if you follow the link, you go to our development server ( You are, naturally, welcome to visit the dev server, but we recommend that you’ll have a better time on the live server.
The giveaway clue is at the bottom of the message – here is – it says ‘You are looking at Dev’ and all the URLs have ‘…’ in them.
Please ignore these for now and accept our apologies. It really shouldn’t be doing it. We need the dev server to be able to send alerts so we can mimic the live server, but have a special mailing list set up to capture these things, so they shouldn’t be getting out. Nasty little critters.
Chris who does the systems administration is looking into it, doing all sorts of cool stuff with code, and we hope to have it nailed asap. It’s bug number 136. It won’t be around for long…