Your ‘Step Up’ moments: No.1: David Pitcher of Transition Finsbury Park
By rob hopkins 3rd February 2014
During February we’ll be hearing people’s ‘Step Up’ moments, the moment they decided to step across into helping make Transition happen rather than just listening or talking about it. Our first comes from David Pitcher:
“In London, very few families cycle with their children, despite their being lots of cyclists and lots of children! I really like my local area and want it to be better for everyone. I joined Transition Finsbury Park and met people who were all making a positive difference locally – which inspired me to have a go!
My moment of actually stepping up involved presenting to a noisy, crowded room with the added pressure of being responsible for my 2 year old son who just wanted to sit on my lap. The neighbourhood community voted for projects they wanted funding. Whilst presenting Wheely Tots my son came running up on to the stage, smiled at everyone and I picked him up and carried on talking – we think that was the moment that won the hearts and minds. We set up Wheely Tots, got some funding to buy some cargo bikes (specially adapted to carry children) and made them free to use for everyone. Mums and Dads use the bikes for recreation and doing the shopping with their children as well as and moving bulky things about.
Wheely Tots now provides cycle training and bike maintenance for families, adults and children. Our cycle training for parents, especially mums, is great family experience as their toddlers can come along in the cargo bike! has more information and we’re sharing our learning to inspire similar projects in other local communities.
My life with Wheely Tots is a bit like having another child to look after or someone you really want to help. I’m now qualified in bike mechanics and cycle training which are totally new skills for me. Teaching people cycling and getting things working again has reinforced my optimism and positive mood towards other people and the future in general.
If you’d like to share your story of the moment you decided to step across into making Transition happen, we’d love to hear it. Please get in touch. Contact me at robhopkins (at) Thanks.