Author Archives: Rob Hopkins

Editorial: Sophy Banks on Fairness in Transition

Today we launch our new theme of ‘Fairness’ with an editorial from Sophy Banks: We picked a big topic for this month’s theme – to run alongside the build up and aftermath of the 2015 Transition Conference. Fairness. Exploring this leads pretty quickly to some other major themes – inclusion, justice, power to name a […]

Book Review: ‘Everything Gardens’ by Luigi Russi.

Academic work on Transition can often be infuriating rather than illuminating.  I was once asked to peer review a paper on Transition, a movement I was central in kickstarting and shaping, but I had to decline on the grounds that the paper was utterly incomprehensible.  While some research is excellent, and offers useful insights and […]

New funding for community-based food and farming projects

Just Growth is a new funding programme designed to encourage the growth of community based food and farming projects.  The aim of the programme is to support social enterprises that are producing food in a environmentally and socially just way – hence Just Growth.  FEA is working in partnership with Community and Co-operative Finance (CCF)and the Esmee […]

Transition Network Conference 2015: The Community Energy revolution

From July to September we will be highlighting content and key themes for this year’s Transition Network International Conference. This first piece looks at the growth of community energy in the UK with our own Naresh Giangrande and Chris Rowland of OVESCO who will be presenting at the Conference. There’s a Quiet Energy Revolution going […]

Shaun Chamberlin on the Ecological Land Coop.

Food is an issue that galvanizes so many Transition communities, but many of the classic Transition activities around food, like Landshare and Abundance projects, are to some extent ways of making the best of the ever-shrinking space available for ecological growing.  Nothing wrong with that, but it meant I was rather excited when – via […]

Transitioners’ Digest (May-June 2015) REconomy

We’ve had a fascinating couple of months going into our REconomy theme.  Welcome to our traditional theme Digest, where we condense those 8 weeks into a few paragraphs so you can more easily find the bits that interest you.  We started with our editorial, 8 Paradigm Shifts at the Heart of REconomy, which put REconomy […]

Transition Cobham’s Community Garden Crowdfunder campaign

Stéphanie Jacometti of Transition Cobham tells the story of their recent successful crowdfunding appeal:    Transition Cobham started in January 2013 after Stéphanie went to the Transition conference in 2012 and wondered why no one had set up an initiative in Cobham. After spending time with Transition Town Kingston, she convened the very first meeting […]

Situation Vacant: Communications Co-ordinator

Since 2007, Transition Network has built a movement of communities in over 50 countries who are working to build resilience, community and enterprise.  We work to support, inspire, nurture, train and network these groups in a diversity of creative ways.  To grow our impact and ambition, we are seeking a Communications Co-ordinator, who will help us to […]

Reflections on 5 years of REconomy, and a goodbye

This is one of the last blog posts I will be writing in my role as coordinator of the REconomy Project for the Transition Network. After 5 years of deep involvement in shaping and delivering this work, from the autumn I will be shifting my attention to a new Transition project. I’ll tell you more […]

What does REconomy look like … in the United States?

In 2014 the United States was amongst those that joined forces as an international network focusing on REconomy which is now 11 countries strong. These hubs have been assessing the potential to initiate some REconomy-type activity in each place. They have been developing some top level strategies needed to progress this work.  Together these hubs […]

The inspiring tale of the re imagining of Preston’s economy.

We are often asked “what would a Transition local government look like?”  It’s a complex question, but one Council taking a pioneering approach to its local economy is Preston in Lancashire.  Preston City Council, working with Centre for Local Economic Strategies (CLES) recently published ‘Creating a Good Local Economy: the role of anchor institutions‘, a remarkable […]

REconomy Reflections: four short REconomy videos

Here we gather in one place the four videos we recently produced about the REconomy Project.  Fiona Ward, the originator of REconomy, talked to Rob Hopkins about different aspects of REconomy, and how it came to be.  You can find out more about REconomy here.  The films were created by Emilio Mula, with support from […]

A poem from Drew Dellinger: re:vision

As we explore our theme of REconomy, we are trying to do so in a variety of media, film, blogs etc.  To that, today, we add poetry.  Drew Dellinger speaker, writer, poet, teacher, and author of Love Letter to the Milky Way, has kindly sent us a poem, entitled ‘re:vision’.  Here’s how he introduces it: “To me, […]

Totnes crowdfunders get their oats.

Fields of oats growing in and around the South Hams might not seem like a particularly unusual sight, but up until now the only ones to enjoy the end product were four-legged!  Despite grains such as oats and barley growing very well in the wet and mild South West, they are all destined for animal […]

How to resource the core of your initiative?

One of the three REconomy Guides published recently was Jo Taylor‘s Transition Core Resourcing.  It explores 6 different approaches by which Transition groups might look to bring in finance in order to support the core of their work.  Here we present some extracts from that Guide, presenting the 6 approaches, and a selection of examples […]

An evening at the Lambeth Local Entrepreneur Forum

Last month’s Local Entrepreneur Forum in Totnes was the fourth, and it’s been an amazing incubator for new enterprises while also building a community around the idea of a more resilient, local economy, and generating over £70,000 of investment into new enterprises.  But until now, it has never happened outside Totnes.  Transition Town Brixton’s Lambeth […]

What does REconomy look like … in Portugal?

Creating livelihood is more than earning a living. It is about quality of life, about being in relationship with the local community one is a part of. What does it take for a community to support its inhabitants to find their place and co-create a healthy, resilient local ecology that attracts others to do the […]

Unveiling three essential new REconomy guides for Transition groups

Today we’d like to introduce two more free guides from the REconomy Project.  We already heard from Jo Taylor about the Events Toolkit for Transition Initiatives, so we asked Anna Lodge from REconomy to tell us more about the other two… Can you tell us about these two new publications, and what led to those being chosen […]

Tina Clarke: Community Engagement & the Transition Principles

Today’s guest blog on the theme of community engagement is by Tina Clarke, a community organiser and consultant in the US.  She is also a Certified Transition Trainer who is part of the international training team and a community resilience consultant, as well as being one of the trainers behind Transition Launch Online. She is also involved […]

One Minute Review: The Art of Natural Building

‘The Art of Natural Building’ was one of my very favourite books when I first got my hands on a copy back in … .  Here was the distilled learning of the natural building movement thus far, a beautiful exploration of the wide range of natural building methods, from strawbale to cob, from hemp/lime to […]

On being followed by Bethany. And Lily.

The internet and social media have so changed our world and our brains in a relatively brief period of time.  Expressions like “I’ll check in my spam folder” would have led to puzzled, indeed slightly revolted looks even 10 years ago, but nowadays we’re all at it.  While I avoid Facebook like the plague, I […]

New Events Toolkit for Transition initiatives published

The REconomy Project’s ‘Events Toolkit for Transition Initiatives’ has just been launched. It is one of three new ‘how to’ guides that the REconomy Project is launching this month. The Events Toolkit, written by Jo Taylor, shares learning (about what works, and what doesn’t), outlines essential tasks, and provides a ‘pick and mix’ menu of […]

What does REconomy look like in … Linlithgow?

Alan Brown of Transition Linlithgow (TL) in Scotland participated in the REconomy Event in St Andrews in October. Here, he shares his experience of the group as a start-up, and incubator and a new phase looking at longer term REconomy activities and how this feeds into other activities on the ground and regional and global issues. […]

The day Transition Wilmslow won me in a competition.

It’s not often that I’m won in a competition.  Transition Wilmslow entered some competition thing that REconomy ran a while back in which a talk by me was the prize, they were first out of the hat, so several months later I boarded the train to Wilmslow, 11 miles south of Manchester, in the north-west […]

What is a Transition-oriented enterprise?

Reposted from The aspirational principles laid out below help define what is meant by a Transition-oriented Enterprise (TE). We think this definition is useful because: It helps us define and communicate the kind of trading enterprises we would most like to see, as they best support a local economy that’s based on improving wellbeing […]

The 8 Paradigm Shifts at the Heart of REconomy

For the next two months here we will be talking REconomy, looking in depth at this aspect of Transition which is about creating new enterprises, new economies, new livelihoods.  We’ll talk to entrepreneurs, to people in local authorities embracing this approach, to people about to launch local currencies, to people around the world working to […]

Crystal Palace Food Market pipped at the post for the BBC Food and Farming Awards

Crystal Palace Food Market would like to congratulate Doncaster Market on their win today in the BBC Food and Farming Awards “Best Food Market” tonight. “We were thrilled to be nominated and that in itself has been a wonderful experience for us, providing a platform to talk about the importance of local markets and sustainable food in Britain today. We are so […]

Lucy Neal: Of Yeast, Seeds, Fire and Dancing.

It’s been a month since Lucy Neal’s Playing for Time was published.  Here she shares what it feels like to get a book you’ve published into your hand for the first time, how it’s being received, and what ‘Flip the Kipper’ is:   “A handwritten letter came through my door this week. It was from […]

Community Engagement: Den Haag in Transitie

Lynn van Leerzem shares some experiences from reaching out to new people in the ‘Celebrate Nature! A festival by and for Moerwijk’.  Basically, what we did was: we (people of The Hague Transition group) used an international celebration (Fête de la Nature) as an excuse to ‘enthousiasmize’ (there should be a word for that in English) neighbours […]

Filipa Pimentel on how knitting can help us connect.

A while ago I attended a meeting via Skype.  It was taking place in Brussels, and featured a number of high profile people from government and from the business sector discussing resilient economies.  One of the highlights of the meeting for me was the fact that Filipa Pimentel knitted throughout the whole meeting.  I even […]

1st Austrian Transition Forum: May 15th – 17th 2015, Graz, Austria.

Are you interested in and engaged with activities that aim at reductions in oil consumption and dependency within your life and your community? Then join the 1st supraregional / national gathering of Transition initiatives, CSOs and NGOs and many more to meet up and network with other like-minded people.   You can present your ideas, projects and […]

Sophy Banks on Inner Transition sans frontières!

When I was a child there was an extraordinary show on the TV called Jeux Sans Frontières! (Games without borders!). In the early days of the European Union it brought together people from different countries to compete in ridiculous physical games involving huge inflatable cartoon characters, and a lot of people splashing around in jets […]

Berkhamsted: the last Transition Roadshow (for now)

The final in our series of five ‘Transition Roadshows’ took place in Berkhamsted, joinly organised by Transition Town Berkhamsted, Transition in Kings, Haddenham in Transition, Tring in Transition, Transition Milton Keynes and others.  I have to confess that prior to going I didn’t know that much about Berkhamsted other than it’s a rather beautiful market town, […]

Ruth Ben Tovim: “Transition is a participatory arts practice”

Ruth Ben Tovim is the creative director of Encounters Arts.  As a professional artist and consultant, she has used the transformational power of the arts to work with thousands of people over the last 20 years. She is one of the stars of Lucy Neal’s new book ‘Playing for Time’, so we started by asking for her reflections as […]

Sophy Banks introduces our Inner Transition Week.

This week is Inner Transition Week here at and over the course of the week, we’ll bring you stories, and a collection of specially-commissioned new films, as well as pointing you towards the tools we’re using to support the inner and outer in Transition.   We’ll hear from Rob Hopkins and Fiona Ward of Transition Network […]

Community Engagement: Sebastopol Village Building Convergence

(Reposted from Transition US). In Sebastopol, CA, organizers of the first ever Sebastopol Village Building Convergence (a working group of Transiiton Sebastopol), a 10-day Placemaking (public art, permaculture, and natural building) festival modeled after the success of City Repair in Portland, OR. Village Building Convergence organizers have been collaborating with the Sebastopol mayor and City […]

Why should admitting to not having a TV be “dangerous”?

Few articles about the UK’s upcoming election have raised my hackles as much as an article by Stuart Heritage entitled Ed Miliband admitting to not watching TV is a big mistake.  Heritage picks up on a quote in a recent interview with Ed Miliband for the Radio Times in which he said “I tend not […]

South-east European Transitioners meet in Zagreb

Justi Carey and Roy Clark report on the First Meeting of the Regional Transition Group of south-east Europe – Zagreb 14-15 March 2015 As representatives of the newest Transition group in Slovenia, Dovje-Mojstrana: Zelena prihodnost (Dovje- Mojstrana: A Green Future) it felt very exciting to be setting off by train to Zagreb, the capital of […]

Laughing Allowed! The Slapstick World of Neighbourhood Activism.

Republished from Building Resilient Neighbourhoods.  In the fall of 2014, Building Resilient Neighbourhoods’ Rob Wipond and Michelle Colussi teamed up with theatre director Will Weigler and a group of citizens from Victoria West and other neighbourhoods to create and perform the comedic theatrical show, Laughing Allowed! The Slapstick World of Neighbourhood Activism. The idea was to playfully explore what we do and don’t like […]

Mike Thomas on Community Engagement

To open our in depth exploration of Community Engagement, one of the elements of our Support Offer, Transition Network’s Transition Initiative Support Coordinator Mike Thomas sets the scene: We are all part of a community in one way or another. Often it is our commitment to improving the community we live in that leads to […]

Transition in Action Summer Camp in Hungary

The Youth Exchange “Transition in Action” under the Erasmus+ Programme will take place from 20st July (arrival day) till 2nd August (departure day) 2015 in Hungary, Kunbábony a village situated 80 km to the South of Budapest in a beautiful rural setting. It looks amazing, and applications need to be in by April 20th, so to […]

Isabelle Frémeaux, John Jordan and the rise of the insurrectionary imagination.

Isabelle Frémeaux (IF) and John Jordan (JJ) are the co-founders of the Laboratory of Insurrectionary Imagination.  It’s a collective which , according to Isabelle, “aims at opening spaces, real or virtual, and bringing artists and activists together to work on and co-create more creative forms of resistance and civil disobedience”.  Both have a long history […]

Our favourite Transition April Fool: the new Brixton £5 note

‘Victory for diversity and equality’: Former prime minister Sir John Major immortalised on Brixton Pound note (from the SW Londoner) The Brixton Pound, a currency used in the South London area of Brixton, has launched a limited edition note featuing former Conservative Prime Minister Sir John Major.    The politician, who served as PM and party […]

New Transition Network office is a load of rubbish

Transition Network is moving offices!  Since the organisation’s inception in 2007, it has been housed at 43 Fore Street in Totnes, in a building once described in the Sunday Telegraph as a “rickety set of rooms”.  The decision to find new premises was taken 3 years ago, but after a fruitless search for new premises, […]

Book Review: ‘How to Save Town Centres’ by Julian Dobson.

Book review: How to save our town centres: a radical agenda for the future of high streets by Julian Dobson.  Policy Press (available here).  I cannot recommend this book highly enough.  Indeed, I wish I had written it.  It is, in effect, the Transition Guide to Reclaiming Local Economies.  It is quite brilliant.  My already […]

Lucy Neal’s ‘Playing for Time’ now published!

Lucy Neal’s ‘Playing for Time: making art as if the world mattered’ was published last week, and launched at a fantastic evening event in London.  Here’s how it is described by the publisher: This groundbreaking handbook is a resource for artists, community activists and anyone wishing to reach beyond the facts and figures of science […]

One Minute Review: Happier People, Healthier Planet.

One Minute Review: Happier People, Healthier Planet by Teresa Belton.  Reviewed by Jesús Martín. Published last September , this is a book which deeply touches its reader, not only from a mental perspective also but from an emotional and active one. This is probably a book that doesn’t need to be advertised, word of mouth marketing […]