
Recording of the opening session

Chris from Sheffield is doing some recording of various moments at the...

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Recording of the Open Space introduction

Led by Naresh – thanks again to Chris from Sheffield for recordi...

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Essex conference attendees – can you share with other Essex folk?

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Early photos

All photos will be uploaded to the Transition Towns Flickr group so ke...

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Introducing the Transition conference 2010 blog

Hello. This is a blog about the Transition Network UK Conference, from...

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Inner Change: Towards a more inclusive Transition

  Inclusion in Transition: Why does it matter? Where are we now? Wha...

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A Mr Harding Sort of England (Day 70) June 6th

I arise late; luxuriating in a rare opportunity to have a Sunday lie i...

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Aroma-Massage, Native Americans, and Trams (Day 71) June 7th

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Through a Tunnel in to Thurgoland (Day 72) June 8th

What a day! It has rained continuously from sometime in the night and ...

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People Run on Pleasure* (Day 69) 5th June

 Anne walks with me through the centre of Chesterfield and the bustli...

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The Jewel in the Centre of England (Day 68) June 4th

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American perspective on some innovative UK food projects

Sent in by Kenrick Chin from Dundas in Transition in Canada, this arti...

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We’re More There than We Were (Day 64) May 31st

  I leave Long Eaton and return to the canal path. This time I veer o...

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The South of the North (Days 65-67) June 1st -3rd

Day 65 A Little Piece of Paradise I head out of Quarndon to the A6 whi...

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Into Nottinghamshire With a Sigh of Relief (Day 61) May 28th

  When I leave Loughborough I follow the river Soar navigation and ha...

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Hot Stones and Gems (Day 62) May 29th

What a gem of a day. I have had one full day to savour the delights of...

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A Trip to Old Jerusalem and the Canal to Long Eaton (Day 63) May 30th

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Loughborough – a Market Town that Thinks Local (Day 60)

I walk really slowly out of Newtown Lynford, not even sure I will be a...

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The Worst of The Age of Oil (Day 59)

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The County Of Rutland (Day 57)

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Walk with a Stranger’s Footsteps and Discover What You Never Knew You Never Knew… (Day 58) May 25th

It was a long dusty tiring day that at one point seemed too far to man...

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Web project update for May 2010

Team building Development work phase Going onto the live platform Goin...

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Day 55 – Scrabbling in a Ditch and Stunning Scenery (Day 55) May 22nd

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OTT (day 56) May 23rd

What was today all about? Waking up with sunburn and having to wear fa...

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Feeling at Home in the Place of Bridges over the Cam (Day 53) May 20th

Anna comes to collect me in her street van, hired for a couple of hour...

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Coton to Caxton (Day 54) May 21st

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Rowan, Rosemary, and Cherry…Hinton (Day 51) May 18th

I have a very lazy day; I feel quite spoiled, a holiday in the midst o...

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A Vicarage Garden and Tales at the Elm Tree (Day 52) May 19th

The May sun finally decided to do what we expect from a May sun and I ...

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Hills Are a Powerful Waste of Sky (Day 49) May 16th

 Hills Are a Powerful Waste of Sky …or so say the folk of Norfo...

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The Streets of Cambridge are Paved with Flowers (Day 50) May 17th

 The Streets of Cambridge are Paved with Flowers Literally! I am tick...

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It’s green, but is it really Green? (Day 47) May 14th

I leave Hertford accompanied by Stewart Hillin and Si Brandon as far a...

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A Stroll Along the Ickneild Way (Day 48) May 15th

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Let There Be Car Share in the Town Betwixt Four Rivers (Day 46) May 13th

Let There Be Car Share in the Town Betwixt Four Rivers (Day 46) May 13...

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The Kingmaker Has Chosen (Day 45) May 12th

I have a wonderful time in Waltham Abbey; my intuition was spot on. It...

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Oak before Ash and We’re in for a Splash (Day 44) May 11th

  Hannah and I set out from Belsize Park and head out across Hampstea...

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Through The Place They Call London with Joy in My Heart (Day 41) May 8th

Over breakfast Lucy shares two things with me; her own tale of a trans...

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Scenes from London (Days 42-43) May 9th-10th

For the first time in my life I spend a couple of days in London witho...

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The Thames Downs Link and the A3 (Day 39) May 6th

I am astonished as I leave Dorking on the Thames Down Link to walk thr...

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It’s a Muddle in the Middle (day 40) May 7th

I sleep till gone 10 – it seems to be a pattern of mine that the fir...

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Mary, John, Michael, and Thomas (Day 38) May 5th

I have had such a good day that though my feet are travel weary and du...

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The Ning situation

This is a post about Ning, who have announced their plans for moving t...

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The Many Faces of Forest Row (NB please read down to part 3; it holds the real tale!) Days 34-36 May 1st -3rd

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Online backup services comparison

This is a short post outlining our research and decision on which onli...

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The Forest Way & an 11th Century Village (Day 37) May 4th

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Another Town that is Not Too Big and Not Too Small (Days 30-31) April 27th-28th

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Wild Hearts in the Forest (Days 32-33) April 29th -30th

  I walked into the Wild Heart Gathering in a very irritable and frus...

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Contract for employing technologists

When we started working with the Transition Technologists, we didnR...

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A Town Called Steyning (Day 28) April 25th

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I’m in Hove, actually (Day 29) April 26th

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The Fishing Village that Became a Prince’s Playground (or a city that is not too big and not too small) Day 30 – April 27th

I meet Emma, owner of the lovely flat I am staying in. She is thrilled...

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The Transition Movement: Hard to Reach?

Often when people talk about engaging Black Minority Ethnic (BME) or l...

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Transition Chichester Walk to Arundel following the Old Trade Route (Day 27) April 24th

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My Love Affair with West Sussex & a St George’s Day Feast (Day 26) April 23rd

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Resting up in Southampton, Stories in the Art House Cafe (Day 23) April 20th

It’s been a funny kind of a day; trying to rest feet, much harder to...

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An Unexpected Haven (Day 24) April 21st

Since my arrival in Southampton I had been uncertain if I would spend ...

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The Great Divide (Day 25) April 22nd

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Creating a news item

 Step by step guide to creating a news item in a workspace or communi...

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How much energy do we use on the web?

Are you aware of how much energy you use when you visit a website? Ar...

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East Along the Solent Way (Day 21) 18th April

I have a lovely time this sunny Sunday. I can hardly believe my good f...

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Arrival at the Gateway to the World (day 22) April 19th

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