July 2013 – Transition Network Newsletter
By Mike Grenville 4th July 2013
Transition Network News – July 2013
The June Round Up
From the Amazon to Portugal to Walthamstow and news of many other places in between.
A New Web Look
Please take a look at our bright new Network website design which we hope you like.
A Big New Transition Infographic
The Transition infographic illustrates the Why, What, How, and Where of Transition. It explains Transition in a friendly and acccessible way for people who are not familiar with Transition or the issues that Transition responds to.
Local, self-sufficient, optimistic: are Transition Towns the way forward?
An article in The Guardian newspaper asks “Locally grown food, community-owned power stations, local currencies … can small-scale actions make a difference? Yes, according to the Transition network – in fact, it’s our only hope.
Knitting your own MRI scanner. Or not
Rob responds to some of the comments to the Guardian article
More ‘Community News’ items from initiatives’ websites around the web and the Community Microsites on this site.
Attention Solutionaries: Help Wanted!
Transition Free Press is almost a year old and beginning to think of our long-term future as a workers collective and social enterprise. What would it look like, a future with thriving, resilient, renewably empowered communities, informed and connected through their own independent media? Can you imagine the Transition Free Press with thousands of subscribers, available in every city, town and village in the land, each new issue landing on desks of all those who could make a difference? It would be fabulous! Would you like to play a part in co-creating that kind of revolutionary future? If so, we’d like to hear from you.
The Power of Just Doing Stuff
Rob Hopkins’ new book ‘The Power of Just Doing Stuff: how local action can change the world‘ is here. Rather than being about how to do Transition, it focuses on why doing Transition is thrilling and the sense of power and possibility it can bring about. Illustrated with stories from around the world, it really captures how international Transition has become, the impact it is starting to have, and how, in the current economic malaise, it represents a bold new idea for our economic future.
You can buy the book here:
Report on the book launch in Crystal Palace
Inspiring video of the Crystal Palace book launch event
Herefordshire’s Economic Evaluation
Following the Totnes & District Local Economic Blueprint, the Herefordshire Economic Evaluation was published recently, the second such study and Brixton’s is expected during the next few weeks. They set out, for the first time, a powerful economic case for community resilience as a form of economic development.
An Interview with Lord Adair Turner
Rob Hopkins interviews the Chairman of the Financial Services Authority and before that he was also chairman of the UK’s Climate Change committee on climate change, finance and growth
Rob Hopkins’ new book is the focal point for the Social Reporters this week, our last before our summer holiday.
The Power of Just Doing Stuff
If we all did something, dreams Jay Tompt, could it be effortless and fun, like a shiny happy day in a park, with music and ideas?
Just Do Stuff, Then Share Your Stories
Just like the town council that said people can go and plant what they want on council land, just let them know afterwards so they don’t mow it, Kerry Lane reminds us of the need to share our stories afterwards.
Somebody Somewhere Should do Something About This Sometime
The community shop, sums up what Transition is all about for Ann Owen.
The £300 House at Glastonbury… Maybe We Can
In a quiet and beautiful corner of the Glastonbury festival, Sara Ayech found a house, that just like Transition, was showing people what can be done and how great it can be.
The Urban Kitchen Gardener
Two books that deal with techniques for season extension are more at home in Ann Owen’s potting shed than the coffee table.
Non-Fiction Page Turners
Grant Venner picks three books that address core tenets of Transition. One that cover the differences between the ways childhood is experienced around the world, another that makes you look differently at the world and our place in it and the effects on human health of the industrialisation of food.
Reading Your Way to Health and Wellbeing…
Even by recommending a book that is so overtly celebrating women and their innate wisdom and beauty Kerry Lane feels as though she is subverting the dominant patriarchy of our society.
Down the Garden Path
Sara Ayech’s review of this book on how to get the best out of a small space, which varieties to grow, and then best of all, a list of seven or so ways to cook and eat each thing you grow
Growing Out of Trouble
Caroline Jackson picks up some tips from Monty Don’s page turning book about how to work on our own addiction.
Honour the Elders?
Chris Bird tries to get to grips with being of a certain age where his first request to write here was about elders.
Exploring the Role of Elders in Transition
In the UK, age is often equated with a burden on the state, ill health, fuel poverty and disrespect. Sara Ayech explores the benefits of being part of a multi-generational community.
Transitioning the Generation Gap
While the whole notion of eldership has fallen into dis-use, Isabel Carlisle reports on an event that looked at ways to revive it and the value of consciously designing youngers into Transition projects.
Lawrence Turns 100
As his father-in-law turns 100, Jay Tompt realises that it is natural to feel affection and kindness for elders. Isn’t it part of what makes us human?
One of Those Days
Weekends off and 3 week holidays are entirely artificial concepts, says Ann Owen, designed to keep wage slaves willing to do the most mind numbing jobs for ever less money and totally irrelevant for those who’s livelihoods depend on the year’s natural cycle.
Transition Politics
Is the Transition Movement in danger of becoming handmaid to elite power, duly mopping up the mess left by cuts to welfare and public services asks Mark Rotherham.
Compost Loo Competition
A competition to find the best, and most beautiful, functional and fun compost Loos in all the land is open for entries. With a third of our domestic water used to flush the loo, the Transition Town Totnes Arts Network are endeavouring to make compost loos more fun, obvious to use and perhaps even cool.
Transition Ireland Awards Appeal
Transition Ireland and Northern Ireland are using Indiegogo to raise funds to create and run an awards ceremony ‘Recognising Resilience – The Transition Awards’ to recognise and reward transition initiatives in Ireland. They want to raise €10,000 by the end of July. Watch their inspiring video and make a contribution here:
Everyday Stories of Transformation
Knowing and caring about global problems won’t deliver solutions without changes in our own behaviour. Ólöf Söebech has been touring Europe, filming people who are adding more meaning and sustainability to their lives.
The Gleaning Network: The Arable Spring
We have been bombarded with images of scarcity. But this is wrong, for we live in a world of unparalleled abundance.
Why even the G8 prefer vibrant, diverse local economies
The news that empty shops have had graphics placed on the windows to make them look like working shops gives Rob Hopkins a double take.
Growth Bias Busted
A new media watchdog website aims to encourage accurate reporting and commentary on the issues of growth in population, economies, consumption, and cities.
Transition South East
Rather than closing down, this ning based website, that has been connecting Initiatives in SE England since 2008, has been given a new name and a fresh new look.
A stream of blog posts from our on-site bloggers, and, a growing list of blogs we re-publish from Transition Voice, This Low Carbon Life, Reslience.org’s news feed and Transition US.
Launch Course Goes Online
Transition Training are happy to announce that the Training course ‘Launch’ is going online. This is an opportunity to attend a Launch training from anywhere in the world, joining an online community of people like yourself who are passionate about Transition. The course will be delivered in a series of eight live weekly webinars of 1.5 hours each starting 1st October 2013. The online version will closely follow the two day face to face training, but with the strengths that an online course can bring. Transition Launch Online is packed with imaginative ways to delve into the practice of Transition showing you how to set up, run and grow a Transition Initiative. It is also useful for people who have recently become involved in Transition and want to develop the essential skills and insights to help their Transition Initiative become a success.
Transition Launch – for people new to Transition
Devon, 14-15 September
Resilient Food Systems
Essex, 13-14 September
Inner Transition – an introduction
London, 21-22 September
Train the Trainers
Lyon, France September 25-28 (after the National Hubs meeting)
To register your interest please email training@transitionnetwork.org and we will keep you informed.
For more details:
Uncivilisation Festival
15-18 August Hampshire
The last annual Uncivilisation Festival is a gathering of people searching for answers to questions about our collective future in a rapidly-changing and depleting world. For one long weekend the woods and chalk downland of the Sustainability Centre will be home to a festival of Dark Mountain literature, music, art and action. There will be campfires, wanderings in the woods, children’s activities, and workshops in everything from writing to scything.
Open Transition Netzwerk D/A/CH gathering
Sept 27-29 Germany
An open invitation to any Transition Initiative in Germany, Austria and Switzerland;
and who have an interest to help strengthen & define our DACH network, as well share their local TT
experiences, work on various themes and methods around group forming/decision making/group facilitation and celebrate together our growing Transition family
Transition Camp
4-6 October 2013. Sussex
The theme for the 6th autumn Transition camp is ‘open hearted connections’.
Early bird adult only £35 (including food) until 31st August
More Transition related events here
And finally…
On the historic occasion of the publication of The Power of Just Doing Stuff, the Mayor of Totnes formally launched the book into the river!
“The future I choose is one where it is sexy and cool to care about the planet and its people. The future I choose is open, sustainable and collaborative. It’s one where we know our values and live by them.”
-Amisha Ghadiali
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This newsletter is published on the first Friday of each month.
Newsletter Editor: Mike Grenville,
from Transition Forest Row for the Transition Network
Contact: mgrenville@gmail.com