Municipalities Project invite you to harvest
By Ainslie Beattie 7th July 2017 Culture & Society
Ana Huertas, Project Coordinator of the Municipalities Project, invites Transition Initiatives to harvest their experience and examples of successful collaborations with their local Municipality.
Dear Transitioners,
I am writing on behalf of the Municipalities in Transition Core Circle to invite you to participate in the first stage of our mapping process. We need your support!
Please find attached a support guide PDF that we invite you to read carefully in addition to the information below (also in PDF format for easier reference).
The Municipalities in Transition project is an innovative collaboration stemming from the Hubs group in partnership with Transition Network, which aims at creating a clear framework for how Transition groups and municipalities can create sustainable change together. This project will map existing experiences of effective and systemic-change collaboration between local authorities and transition initiatives, worldwide. Launched in early 2017, the project will initially run until the end of 2018.
From the Transition Movement we are aware of many examples of engaged communities working for positive change who feel unsupported, even blocked, by local government. We also know there are many municipalities with positive goals and a determination to act who are struggling to build genuinely collaborative relationships with local citizens.
For that reason, the main objective of the project is to create a clear framework for how Transition groups and municipalities can create sustainable change together, that will then be tested in three (or more) pilot partnerships between Transition Hubs and municipalities.
This is an invitation for you to participate in the first phase of the mapping process and help us find out what is going on in your locality, region, state or country regarding transition work in collaboration with the public authorities.
The harvesting and mapping process will work as follows:
Phase 1 (from early July 2017 to 30th September 2017)
We need to gather information about experiences (cases or case studies) where local governments are involved in a stable and organized way in something that has (or tries to have) the features of a Transition process. The cases can be directly connected with the Transition movement (where Local Initiatives or the Transition Hub are involved), partially connected (inspired by), or completely disconnected (but showing transition features anyway). This first gathering of information is intended to be light, quick and based on voluntary contributions of transitioners worldwide, using the following survey:
Before setting out to fill in the form, please read carefully the attached Form Summary PDF to better understand the type of information we are asking for. Do not be daunted by the length of the form – not all questions or sections have to be answered.
The form to gather information at “phase 1 level” will be ongoing throughout 2017 and 2018, even if the data collected after the start of October will not be used in phase 2 of this project. However, we believe it is in the movement’s interest to continue collecting experiences to support a strong evidence base that will then allow Hubs and initiatives to access more resources for this type of work.
The form must be filled out once for every case study.
Phase 2 (from early October 2017 to December 2017)
In Phase 2 we will choose the most interesting and promising cases and allocate seed funding to support/explore the cases in more depth before choosing 3 case studies as pilots for 2018. The criteria for selection will be based on the information gathered in Phase 1.
*only applicable to Transition hubs, emerging hubs and transition initiatives (in those places where there is no hub)
Phase 1 support
Although this phase is designed to run on voluntary contributions, we agreed to reserve a limited amount of the seed funding budget for hubs and TIs (5.000 euros in total) in case you really need to be supported in this Phase.
That amount can be allocated to hubs in order to provide a little economic support to those harvesting information received within the deadline (30/09/2017). The money will be provided only to Transition Hubs, Emerging Hubs and TIs with no hub in the area, but each one can decide how to use it.
If you (really) need to take advantage of this option please contact Ana Huertas before 31/07/2017 at
Phase 2 support
There are between 18,000-23,000 Euros (in total) allocated for the seed-funding across all the phase 2 cases identified. More information on this funding wave will be shared after phase 1 concludes, at the start of October 2017.
If you have more specific questions, we invite you to contact Ana at
Thank you very much for your collaboration!
In community,
Ana Huertas MiT Project Coordinator
Invitation to Harvest
Invitation to Harvest Experience – Municipalities Project
Knowledge & learning
Invitation to support the Municipalities Project with the first stage of mapping examples.
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1 Comment
I am just starting and I would like to receive and access the material in spanish, to share with my neibourhood,, is it possible? thanks