Your thoughts needed: Where does equality fit in Transition?

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Totnes on the Television

You might enjoy this evening’s ‘Town’ programme on BBC2 at 9pm.Â...

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Meanwhile Leases for community land projects

The Food Policy Unit have been working with the Department of Communit...

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Two jobs in social enterprises

Three great looking jobs going in two great looking social enterprises...

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July round up of what’s happening in Transition

Let’s start with Transition Town Kingston in Surrey who ventured out...

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Beyond conflict workshop write up

Notes from Transition Conference 2011 workshop Beyond Conflict, led by...

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Why create a socially just Transition write up

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Update from Germany

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August 2011 Transition Network Newsletter

August 2011 Transition Network Newsletter CONTENTS ~ In Transition 2 f...

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Come Together Right Now

This month all over England tents are appearing in their thousands acr...

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In Transition 2 film crowd funding call

Ultimately, this is your film, and it’s up to you what that film...

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Transition Network Conference: Diversity Highlights

The recent annual Transition Network conference held in Liverpool gave...

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Call for Stories for Diversity and Social Justice Recourse

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Transition Network Diversity Newsletter July 2011

Transition Network Diversity and Inclusion Newsletter WELCOME to the T...

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Islington’s Fairness Commission: Closing the rich-poor gap

Why focus on inequality at a time when public services are crumbling? ...

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Whitney Avenue Urban Farm

Out of the 22 houses on Witney Avenue, Wilkinsburg (United States), 10...

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Social Justice at the heart of Transition

How do we ensure that our work in Transition meets the needs of the mo...

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Changes to the website speed

Yesterday the deep configuration of the site was changed in a couple o...

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Evaluation workshop notes

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Going Round in Circles

The nature of each Transition Conference venue both impacts the confer...

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Resources from the Transition conference 2011

This is a list of the various videos, photos, workshop write ups and b...

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Report from Ruah Swennerfelt

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Report on the visit to the Granby Triangle

The four streets within the Granby triangle are located adjacent to Pr...

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Rob Hopkins reflections

We had a great few days at Hope University in Liverpool.  This will n...

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Scaling up hot topic report

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Economy business and social enterprise theme session write up

The economy, business and social enterprise theme session started off ...

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Conference reflection from Charlotte Du Cann

One thing I learned from plants, I said to Dan as we headed home to Su...

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Uncivilisation 2011 – Looking for Hope in the Dark

We’re big fans of a few festivals as you may have guessed, havin...

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Key messages from the edge

What’s the story of the conference? Hard to see when you’r...

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Being done hot topic workshop write up

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Transition Liverpool conference report 4

Monday started with a short workshop, a meeting with our home groups a...

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To do or to be hot topic write up

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Photos from Friday and Saturday

Thanks to Mike Grenville for his handy work with the camera Photos fro...

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Recording of the local currency workshop

Session on Update on Local Currencies, with Peter North, Ciaran Mundy,...

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Reflecting at dawn (or nearly lunch)

  From Kerry Lane, Glasgow. Disclaimer: Due to lack of sleep I take n...

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Scaling up workshop recording

Recording of the Hot Topic session titled Scaling Up, from the UK Tran...

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Transitioning towards personal and community resilience

Conference report from David Wilcox (videos removed – original p...

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Leadership in Transition Hot topic recording

Recording of a Hot Topic session on Leadership in the Transition Movem...

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Engaging town and district councils group write up

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Move over

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Jay Griffiths Wild talk recording

Jay Griffiths, author of Wild, gives a wonderful performance exploring...

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What is success and failure workshop write up

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Transition Liverpool conference report 3

I arrived late! But managed to catch the group as they were heading to...

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Healthcare theme group write up

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Leadership hot topic write up

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Blog from David Lyons from Haddenham

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List to day one things

We have asked people at the conference to record their workshops or th...

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Introducing the ingredients of Transition

Transition chef Rob Hopkins “Introducing the Ingredients of Tran...

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Transition Liverpool conference report 2

Opening ceremony! Great feeling of anticipation and nervous tension, o...

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Welcome to the 2011 Conference blog

Morning all!  This is the blog for the Transition Network 2011 confer...

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The roots of the News of the World Closure:

Yesterday, the UKs News of the World was closed because of a scandal o...

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Transition Liverpool conference report 1

Friday evening started with registering and trying to choose from an a...

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Website development phase 4 update

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What do Quakers and Transition have in common?

A report back from Gail Parfitt, a Quaker involved in Transition Exete...

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Problem with the July email newsletter

We’re very sorry, but in some email readers, it was not possible...

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Websites for initiatives conference workshop

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If you are thinking about making changes to your home to make it more ...

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Regional Networks at the Transition Conference

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July 2011 Transition Network Newsletter

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“Green renters” organisation offering workshops

Australian organisation supporting people in rented accommodation visi...

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