Author Archives: Rob Hopkins

What to do if Donald Trump joins your Transition group.

It’s a thought-provoking question.  An article on the Big Think website recently looked at the American Psychiatric Association’s diagnosis of ‘Narcissistic Personality Disorder’ (NPD) and argued that it perfectly describes US Presidential candidate Donald Trump*.  NPD is defined as “pervasive pattern of grandiosity (in fantasy or behaviour), need for admiration, and lack of empathy”.  In this blog […]

How ‘Demain’ is giving Transition a boost in Belgium.

A guest post by François-Olivier Devaux of Transition Hub Wallonie-Bruxelles: Imagine suddenly your friends and neighbors talking enthusiastically about their new implication in their neighborhood, their plans to start acting locally and the deep changes they are contemplating in their daily lives. If you have witnessed this recently, it is probably related to the release of […]

A snapshot of Transition in … Brazil.

Report | 3rd Meeting of the Brazilian Network of Transition Towns.    São Paulo, February 26, 27 and 28, 2016.  At Coletivo Amor de Madre.  3 days of pure Transition, that’s what’s happened! 3 days of magic, where collaboration, the joy of being together and sharing the best we have! Three days of collective construction […]

Activity of the fortnight: Being part of the Transition Movement

Being part of the Transition Movement. Format: Checklist / activity People:  All of your group (at least one person who can use the internet) Time: 30 minutes Resources needed: A computer with internet access, a place to meet Why do it “I can’t change the world on my own, I need at least three people […]

REconomy On The Road From Wigan Pier

On a wet and windy day in early-February, the energetic Billinge and Orrell in Transition Group invited over 100 community leaders, members and to take part in the first REconomy North West event.  Close to the site of George Orwell’s bleak social investigation The Road to Wigan Pier, the aim of the day was to explore […]

New film: ‘8 days @ COP21’

We are delighted to present our new film, ‘8 days @ COP21’.  It captures those days last December when the climate negotiations took place in Paris, and the experiences of some of the Transitioners who were there.  Thanks to our wonderful team of crack Transition volunteer translators in Paris, we are able to offer the […]

Dreaming in Tongues – a multi-lingual adventure begins.

In which Sara, Pedro and Deborah, the new Transitionese team working on a project to expand the International Transition movement’s translation capacities, introduce themselves and the tools they will be using. And ask for support through a survey.  Following-up from the call sent out by Transition Network in November 2015, a team of three people […]

A snapshot of Transition in … Ireland

Theresa O’Donohoe of Transition Ireland & Northern Ireland reports:  The Great Awakening   For many years energy, climate change or Transition were not on people’s radar in Ireland, but circumstances have been changing and people are now waking up to our energy challenges. A few years ago there was an application to drill for oil […]

Naresh Giangrande on Launch Online.

I love doing Launch Online. I get to facilitate a group of like minded people as we discuss important, quirky, stimulating, and touching subjects that constantly delight me.  Griet from Belgium said of the last course: “This is the most energising, deep and at the same time very mind-provoking course I’ve attended in years. I […]

An evening at La Recyclerie

In which I visit an extraordinary venue in Paris and find myself painted on a window.  I was in Paris yesterday to speak at a place called La Recyclerie, at the invitation of UpCafe, an organisation that runs a series of talks about social innovation and sustainability.  The event had sold out several weeks ago, […]

Transition Bro Gwaun present to the Welsh Climate Change Commission

It’s amazing where being chosen as one of our ’21 Stories of Transition’ can lead.  Transition Bro Gwaun, whose ‘Transition Cafe’ story featured in the special book we made for COP21, were invited to speak in Cardiff at a Climate Change Commission for Wales seminar called Climate Change: Commitment to Action.  They very kindly allowed […]

Transition Leicester introduce ‘Footpaths’.

Footpaths is a way for people to meet and support each other to reduce their personal carbon footprints through a series of meetings facilitated by members and a useful handbook. It has been running for over 5 years and has been recognised to help individuals reduce their footprints. Over 30 groups have run (mainly in […]

How Amazon debases our language, and how we can take it back.

The word ‘fulfilment’ has two distinct meanings.  The first, according to the Cambridge Dictionary, is “the fact of doing something that is necessary or something that someone has wanted or promised to do”, and the second “a feeling of pleasure because you are getting what you want from life”.  I like the idea of the second one, a life of fulfilment, […]

What indigenous cultures can teach us about burnout.

Our new Inner Transition Coordinator, Claire Milne, met Ilarion Merculieff whilst visiting what is commonly known as Alaska. They enjoyed potent conversations and connection and it quickly became clear to Claire that those of us working for social and ecological renewal could learn a lot from Ilarion and the ancient teachings of his Unangan ancestors. […]

Why we need more mavericks, not less.

I watched the recent BBC documentary on Kids Company, Camila’s Kids Company: the inside story, with great sadness.  It told the story of Camila Batmanghelidjh and the unravelling of one of the UK’s best known charities, who did remarkable work helping some of the most disadvantaged kids in the UK.  While what happened is clearly […]

Sophy Banks: the Burnout Interview

In a final interview before she left Transition Network to take on new challenges, I sat down with Sophy Banks to talk about burnout and balance, our current theme.  I started out by asking her what, for her, is meant by the term. You can hear the interview in full as a downloadable podcast (here), […]

Chris Johnstone’s Burnout Tips all in one place!

Here are all of Chris Johnstone’s 5 tips for reducing the risk of burnout gathered in one place!  They are: No. 1: See enthusiasm as a resource. No. 2: Redefine a good life.  No. 3: Broaden your definition of activism No. 4. Follow your inner compass No. 5: See success with new eyes and savour […]

Acting to Affirm Life: body awareness and self empowerment in activism.

Lou Hemmerman, a sustainable activism researcher and facilitator with Ecodharma, shares her learnings from 6 years of action-research whilst co-facilitating Sustaining Resistance: Empowering Renewal, a 10 day residential workshop for activists. Lou lives at Ecodharma, a land-based community and education centre in a wild and remote part of the Catalunyan Pyrenees. ‘Caring for myself is […]

The Secret Temple, and reflections on what makes a good export.

Last week I visited an amazing exhibition at the Wellcome Collection in London called The Secret Temple: Body, Mind and Meditation in Tantric Buddhism, (it’s on until February 28th). The exhibition is a celebration of the Lukhang, a temple close to Lhasa’s Potala Palace which was conceived by the fifth Dalai Lama and built by the […]

Neighbourhood Planning and Transition initiatives: an update.

Low-carbon Neighbourhood Planning – key policy changes and scope for influence for Transition Initiatives Amy Burnett, University of Reading and Dan Stone, Centre for Sustainable Energy                           It’s been over a year since I wrote my article Neighbourhood Planning and the transition towards […]

The unstoppable rise of ‘Demain’.

The film ‘Demain’ (‘Tomorrow’) is proving to be one of the most remarkable catalysts for Transition and other bottom-up approaches that has ever been made.  I recently saw it described by a friend of mine as “‘March of the Penguins’ for localists”.  Mention of it often pops up in emails from people who have seen […]

The story of Unthinkable Drinkable Brent.

Back in May last year, I read in the papers, they found Anne Leitrim dead in her flat in Bournemouth. Her body had been there six years. Tragic, I thought, inconceivable. Then I asked myself just how many neighbours I have who would come knocking on my door. And the answer was zero.  A few […]

Transition and burnout: the Australian experience

A guest post from Clare Power, a Lecturer at Western Sydney University: I’d like to contribute some of my thoughts which were formed while doing a PhD that explored the Transition movement in Australia and found high incidences of burnout among Transition participants.  During the research process I kept returning to Alice Walker’s words ‘Look closely […]

“To see the new economy through a glass of beer…”

UK Chancellor of the Exchequer, George Osborne, said recently “we have to move to a new model of economic growth that is rooted in more investment, more savings and higher exports”.  This growth-at-all-costs mantra runs through pretty much everything, yet at the same time, something fascinating is happening in pretty much every town and city […]

Learning from the past in Kensal and Kilburn.

Oral histories have been something that has fascinated the Transition movement since the outset.  The idea that the future can learn things from the past, and that a past with less oil wasn’t just the relentlessly miserable, dour, monochrome experience it can sometimes be portrayed as being, has been one that groups have explored in […]

‘Neighbouring’: a burnout and build up again story

If our individual life is a mystery in itself, the life of a group, of a human system, is an even greater one! ITLAV, the Transition Initiative of Linda-a-Velha (in Portugal), would like to share our story of our particularly unique and mysterious path, one that invites us to reflect deeply on the mysteries of […]

Book Review: ‘The Urban Farmer’ by Curtis Stone.

Book Review: The Urban Farmer: growing food for profit on leased and borrowed land. Curtis Stone.  New Society Publishers (266pp).   In my visits to meet different Transition groups, I get to see lots of community gardens.  Community gardens can be amazing spaces, places for communities to come together, to run events, to learn new skills, […]

Catherine Sutton on managing burnout in Albany, CA.

I started Transition Albany in 2009 and – despite that “I” at the beginning of this sentence – our first event was a model of cooperation and organizing as group. Not surprisingly it was also very successful: multilayered, rich, informative and inspiring. We showed Power of Community, and had various community building activities built in, […]

Activity of the fortnight: How sustainable is your group?

Format: Activity People: Group Time needed: 40 minutes Resources needed: This guide, a place to meet Why do it Transition is about balance and people need to take time to relax as well as doing stuff, so getting this balance is crucial to staying healthy and effective. If you have a group which is really […]

Transition Móstoles, a short step, a big city, a long way.

During the 2015, the Instituto de Transición Rompe el Círculo and the municipal candidatureGanar Móstoles have worked together in designing the strategies that will make Transition City Mostoles possible [Este post está disponible también en castellano].  As a result of this cooperation and the effort made by the candidature town councilors –people we specially want to thank for […]

Editorial: Sophy Banks on Balance or Burnout?

This blog, the last from Sophy as she leaves Transition Network, focuses on the causes of burnout – the physical, the personal, the cultural and some of the unconscious processes that are much harder to spot. We’re giving ourselves spacious time over the next two months to explore the theme, and there will be more […]

Touching the Earth.

It is said in Buddhism that just before his enlightenment, as the Buddha sat beneath the bodhi tree, he was challenged by Mara, the demon, who tried to distract him from attaining enlightenment with desire and fear.  Mara demanded that the Buddha produce a witness to confirm that he had in fact reached a level […]

Sophy Banks reflects on 10 years at the heart of Transition.

Today Sophy Banks, the founder of the ‘Inner Transition’ aspect of what we do, moves on from Transition Network to pastures new, a moment we felt needed marking.  So I cycled up the not inconsiderable hill to Sophy’s house, and over a cup of tea we talked about Inner Transition, the legacy she feels she is […]

Help us celebrate two of Transition’s great pioneers.

During 2015, two of the key ‘thought leaders’ of Transition have stepped aside to focus on other things.  Fiona Ward was the founder and originator of the concept of REconomy, and Sophy Banks has pioneered the whole field of ‘Inner Transition’.  Both have played a huge role in making Transition, and Transition Network, what they […]

Reflections on the Transition Story: Yoav Egozi

Continuing our exploration of the Transition Story project, we asked different National Hubs for their reflections on the blog that opened our theme on the Transition Story.  Today Yoav Egozi of the Transition Israel Hub shares his thoughts:  “I think the some of the parts that attracted me to Transition in the first place were the positive […]

Sara Ayech reports from the edge of the edge of COP21

On my first evening in Paris for the COP21 climate summit, I eat at an Indian vegetarian restaurant close to Gare Du Nord, and over a mixed vegetable dosa I observe a table of climate activists across the restaurant, some from India, others from a northern European country the name of which my eavesdropping doesn’t […]