
A Celebration of Kinsale College’s Amphitheatre

Here’s a lovely piece by Ian Wild, a celebration of a project ve...

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Sara Ayech: “Why Transition is all about politics”

The Transition movement sometimes claims to be apolitical, but I think...

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Transition in the Heart of England

The final stage of my latest Transition Tales tour took me to exciting...

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The Transitioners’ Digest (June)

This month our theme has been Transition and Politics.  Here we diges...

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Interview: Caroline Flint, Shadow Energy Minister

What would you say were the defining characteristics of Labour politic...

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Our 10 Tips for Reinvigorating Local Democracy – in one place

Peter MacFadyen is a founder of Sustainable Frome (a Transition initia...

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Power and Money in Transition

Nowhere is it quite so evident how the stories that perpetuate power a...

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Interview: Energy minister Greg Barker

The second in our short series of interviews with representatives of d...

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Politics of the Heart

When I came across a set of principles for creating a peaceful society...

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Sophy Banks on the politics of the heart

When I came across a set of principles for creating a peaceful society...

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Three inspirational days in Liege

One of the most delightful things about Transition is time spent with ...

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Alan Simpson: “Transition has enormous strength at the moment”

Alan Simpson describes himself as a “recovering politician”.  He ...

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Interview: Green Party leader Natalie Bennett

Natalie Bennett is the leader of the Green Party of England and Wales....

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Web steering group meeting notes 170614

WEb steering Group meeting notes Tuesday 17th June 10:30 – 12:00...

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Stories of the Future – and why they’re essential for our survival

What do you think the future will hold? Transition to a greener better...

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Transition: time to emerge from under the radar?

I was recently sent a really interesting paper by Philip Barnes of th...

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Another great Transition Conspiracy Theory

So, picture the scene.  There I was, standing on a Totnes street corn...

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Comms delivery group meeting report 3 June 2014

Highlights: Agreed the group’s purpose Agreed what types of decision...

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Mike Thomas on the Powys Regional Network Launch event

I was really happy to go to the County network for Powys of Transition...

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Peter MacFadyen on Independents for Frome

Something remarkable is happening in Frome, a story that offers many u...

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Is Transition political?

Criticising Transition for being explicitly apolitical, and for not en...

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Transition as Social Medicine?: health leaders discuss

One of the following quotes comes from the Transition movement.  The ...

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The Transitioners’ Digest (May)

Our theme this month has been ‘Transition and Health’, and...

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Meet the man bringing Transition to the NHS

David Pencheon is a public health doctor and Director of the NHS Susta...

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Inner Transition for everyone.. who wants it

What helps Inner Transition to be accessible to as many people as poss...

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How public health + grassroots creativity = innovation

Mark Dooris is Professor of Health and Sustainability at the Universit...

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Can we assess Transition’s health impacts?

Is Transition good for a community’s health?  Janet Richardson is P...

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Sophy Banks on Bringing Systems Back to Health

“What is the change we want to see in the world, and how will th...

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EcoBricks and Education

Here is the latest blog I have written for The Guardian’s Live B...

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Kerry Lane on regenerating urban and rural health

Kerry Lane (see right) is a Transitioner and Social Reporter, and in ...

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A Healthier Community: Margy Henderson on Transition Stourbridge’s Harvest Share

I used to sometimes see an apple, damson or plum tree in a garden, lad...

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Would you like to host a Transition Roadshow?

We are delighted to announce that we are now inviting applications to ...

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Martin McKee on the Manifesto for Planetary Health

One of the most fascinating things I read recently was The Lancet̵...

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What is health? And why do we make systems which aren’t?

“What is the change we want to see in the world, and how will th...

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What is health for human beings and human systems?

“What is the change we want to see in the world, and how will th...

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Four reasons why too much local democracy can be a bad thing

So the European and local elections are over, and once again it looks ...

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The May 2014 Round-up of What’s Happening out in the World of Transition

Crystal Palace Transition Town’s market is celebrating its first...

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Web and Comms high level review of the past year

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Angela Raffle of Transition Bristol: “Health and sustainability are like twins”

Angela Raffle is a founder member of Transition Bristol and a public h...

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Transition Emerging: a snapshot from Canada

We are grateful to Rivka Kushner, Chris Buse, Blake Poland and Rebecca...

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Frances Northrop on ‘Caring Town Totnes’

When people talk about ‘green jobs’ the health and care sector is ...

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The Impact of Transition Training in Israel and the West Bank

The question “what’s our impact?” went with me to Israel and the...

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Sarah Timmins: the Low Carbon Nurse

Sarah Timmins is a qualified adult nurse who is now doing a postgradua...

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Clive Hamilton on ‘Earthmasters’: deciding where to set the earth’s thermostat

Clive Hamilton is an Australian academic and author. His last two book...

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A Healthier Community: Monica Picavea on Transition Brasilandia’s Sustainable Health Fair

Health care is a very important issue to Transition Brasilandia, espec...

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Our month on Transition and Health, and what would a Transition hospital look like?

Our theme for May is ‘Transition and Health’. This month ...

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The Circular Economy in a glass

William Blake famously wrote:  “To see a World in a Grain of Sa...

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Comms delivery group meeting report 1 May 2014

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Announcing the pilot Transition Roadshow event!

In a couple of weeks we will be inviting Transition initiatives across...

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Shaun Chamberlin offers a note of caution on ‘The Impact of Transition. In numbers’

Transition is a wonderful melange of conversations, projects, interact...

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The Transitioners Digest (April)

It’s been a fascinating month here, with our theme of “wha...

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Giuseppe Feola and Richard J Nunes on researching Transition

One of the most in-depth pieces of research on Transition published re...

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Sophy Banks on the impact of Transition Training in Israel and the West Bank

The question “what’s our impact?” went with me to Israel and the...

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The Impact We’re Having: Sylvie Spraakman of TransitionKW

At Transition in Kitchener-Waterloo, we have recently achieved a lot o...

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What would a Transition Co-operative store look like?

Originally published last week at Co-operative News under the headline...

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Michael Shuman: “I would say that we are winning”

We last spoke to Michael Shuman just over three years ago.  He is aut...

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Comms delivery group meeting report 28 April 2014

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The Impact We’re Having: Anthony Woolhouse on the West Solent Solar Cooperative

“And God said, “Let there be light” and there was light, but...

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Transition Streets: growing success for communities to conserve energy

Here is the second of my monthly pieces for the Guardian’s Live ...

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Katrina Brown on resilience, impact and learning

Katrina Brown is a Professor of Social Sciences based at the Environm...

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