The April 2014 Round-up of What’s Happening out in the World of Transition

Let’s start on the UK’s south coast, where Transition Town...

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The impact we’ve having: Marie Goodwin of Transition Town Media

“What’s the catch?” she asked as she idled up to the table. ...

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The impact we’re having: Nicola Vernon of Transition Town Greyton

Greyton Transition Town has been in existence for just over two years ...

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Nic Marks on measuring wellbeing and happiness

Nic Marks founded the Centre for Wellbeing at the London-based think ...

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Transition in the West Bank?

We held our first training in the Holy Land in Bethlehem, in the Israe...

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The impact we’re having: Stephanie Hofielen of From the Ground Up

From the Ground Up (FGU) was launched in March 2010 by Transition Town...

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Sir David King on climate change as “the biggest diplomatic challenge of all time”

We are really honoured to be able to share with you today an interview...

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April 2014 – Transition Network Newsletter

This month sees a new Digest which brings together all the articles on...

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On Transition’s impact and reimagining the road to Paris 2015

Monday’s IPCC’s report presented a stark and focused remin...

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Transition Network is seeking Lead Developer

Transition Network is looking for a lead developer/technical architect...

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Comms delivery group meeting report 1 April 2014

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The impact we’re having: Elise Rothman of Transition Manitou Springs

Manitou Springs is a small town with a population of 5100, located in ...

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Transition Network launches new fragrance range

April sees an exciting new initiative from Transition Network, the lau...

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The Transitioners Digest (March)

Here’s something new we’re going to try.  With our monthl...

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Living with Climate Change: Alexandra Wax of Transition Marlborough

I live in Marlborough, Wiltshire, England.  From 2006, there was an o...

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When Luis talked to his parents about climate change

Today we have a guest post from Luis, an active member of a Transition...

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Living with Climate Change: Jonathan Smith on the Isles of Scilly

Through Transition I’ve been active in my community for years, t...

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Food in Community: keeping community groups fed in Totnes

In the market town of Totnes in Devon, a small group of volunteers are...

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Transition Trainings in Israel part 1

I am in Israel. A place where my knowledge of history and religious up...

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Katherine Knox on what ‘climate injustice’ means for poorer communities

While the ecological and infrastructure impacts of climate change are ...

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Living with Climate Change: Sylvie Spraakman of Transition Kitchener-Waterloo

To situate this blog post, we’re in Kitchener-Waterloo, two cities t...

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Prof. Myles Allen on climate change, flooding, and carbon capture as a ‘silver bullet’

Today we talk with Prof. Myles Allen, head of the Climate Dynamics gro...

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Living with Climate Change: Adrian Tait on the Somerset Levels

Transition Athelney links five villages on or bordering the Somerset L...

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Climate change – if we were rational, we’d have it sorted by now

Has the climate debate stalled? Does extreme weather in the UK mean we...

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Sophy Banks: Climate change – if we were rational, we’d have it sorted by now.

Has the climate debate stalled? Does extreme weather in the UK mean we...

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George Marshall on communicating climate change following extreme weather events

COIN, the Climate Outreach and Information Network, recently published...

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The marvel that is Transition Free Press steps up to the next level

Stand by your newsstands!  May 1st sees the relaunch of Transition Fr...

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William Lana’s thoughts for incoming Transition Network Trustees.

Transition Network is seeking new Trustees, four in fact.  You can fi...

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A selection of funding opportunities for Transition initiatives

We are very grateful to Christine Jones for sending us this, which is ...

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Living with Climate Change: Lisa Coons of Transition Mankato

Those of us living and transitioning in the Upper Midwest of the Unite...

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A quick trip to Milano

Well, I say a ‘quick’ trip…  Not flying, and living...

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Guy Watson on how Riverford Farm is living with climate change

Perhaps those for whom the notion of ‘living with climate change’ ...

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Living with Climate Change: Cara Naden in flooded Somerset

I have been ‘living with climate change’ for the last few ...

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The March 2014 Round-up of What’s Happening out in the World of Transition

Anyone reading this who was a fan of punk legends The Damned, or indee...

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Chris Rowland of OVESCO on living with climate change

One of the things Transition can bring is the ability to turn ‘l...

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Transition Phillipines focus on urban agriculture

Transition Communities Initiative Philippines (or Kaya Natin Magbago ...

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Primary schools in the watershed

Embedding in place and embedding in community are two of the strands o...

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Living with Climate Change: Karen Tracy in Joshua Tree

What does Transition look like in a place with just 4″ of rain a...

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Living with Climate Change: Cathy Verschoor in Deventer

“I am not sure what it is you are doing but it seems like a lot ...

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Transition Network seeks new Trustees: Sarah McAdam on what makes a good Trustee

Transition Network is seeking four new Trustees to help the organisati...

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Transition Network conference news for 2014!

It is around this time that Transition Network often announces its ann...

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Paul Kingsnorth on living with climate change.

Paul Kingsnorth wrote recently of the floods that have hit the UK, arg...

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Getting back to the BBC about Lord Lawson’s ‘Today Programme’ appearance.

Here is an Open Letter which responds to the BBC’s letter defenc...

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March 2014 – Transition Network Newsletter

This month the newsletter includes an invitation to become a Trustee, ...

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Your opportunity to become a Trustee of Transition Network

Due to a number of our Trustees coming to the end of their terms of of...

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Comms delivery group meeting report 4 March 2014

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“Blow wind and crack your cheeks”: introducing a month on living with climate change

This month our theme is “living with climate change”.  We...

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Living with Climate Change: Joanne Poyourow in Los Angeles

No water.  That pretty much sums up living with climate change around...

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Your ‘Step Up’ moments: No.11: Ian Webb of Transition Long Ashton

I was born in 1933 so my upbringing involved all those things associat...

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Introducing Streetbank: a new tool for rethinking resources

One tool that some Transition initiatives have been finding useful in ...

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Your ‘Step Up’ moments: No.10: Dave Mauger of Transition Town Tooting

I had been hanging around the periphery of Transition Town Tooting for...

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Sophy Banks on creating Transition initiatives with staying power..

The most commonly asked question I’ve heard from Transition initiati...

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Resourcing Transition in Peterborough, Ontario.

In 2012, an article in Troy Media entitled How Transition is starting ...

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Your ‘Step Up’ moments: No.10: Duncan Law of Transition Town Brixton

I was lucky to grow up during the much maligned 70s when we learnt so ...

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Your ‘Step Up’ moments: No.9: Joyce Almaguer-Reisdorf

While getting my Master’s degree I studied our planet’s ri...

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Unveiling Transition Network’s new Funding Primer!

Today Transition Network launches the first version of our Funding Pri...

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Reflecting on resources: the Transition Town Totnes ‘Reunion’. Part Two.

We recently posted Part One of our Transition Town Totnes Reunion, loo...

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Your ‘Step Up’ moments: No.8: Mihai Abagief

Looking back now, it feels that I have been Transitioning since I know...

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A cautionary tale: when funding goes bad

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Introducing Mike Thomas, Transition Network’s Initiative Support Coordinator, and his new support overview page.

Hi everyone. My name is Mike and I am the new Transition Initiative Su...

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