Interviews from Transition Radio

More great interviews from Carl Transition Radio – thanks mate! ...

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Canal Boat Heaven (Day 74) June 10th

I leave city centre Leeds and walk west to Rodley where I am to stay w...

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International Youth Transition goes global

Small gathering, massive idea. From Ruby Munson-Hirst This morning has...

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Rob Hopkins Pattern Language workshop recording and photos

Rob is re-inventing the Transition Handbook as a Pattern Language, and...

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Interviews: web, france, social entrepreneurs and more

More excellent interviews from Carl Transition Radio:  The big websit...

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Opening session – introduction and mapping

A great opening session with introductions from Pete Lipman, Rob Hopki...

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Transition Radio

Transition Radio are in the house, recording sessions and interviewing...

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Recording of the opening session

Chris from Sheffield is doing some recording of various moments at the...

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Recording of the Open Space introduction

Led by Naresh – thanks again to Chris from Sheffield for recordi...

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“Better than Growth” released by Australian Conservation Foundation

Arguing for something beyond economic growth An outstandingly well pro...

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Essex conference attendees – can you share with other Essex folk?

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Early photos

All photos will be uploaded to the Transition Towns Flickr group so ke...

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Community Land Trust Conference 2010

Citizens solving economic development and housing needs – CLT 20...

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Standard Transition Presentation for awareness raising

Here’s the presentation that I use for awareness raising events....

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Introducing the Transition conference 2010 blog

Hello. This is a blog about the Transition Network UK Conference, from...

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Your Pictures of Local Councils/Transition Initiatives Needed Please!

Rob just finished reading, on the train home from the talk he gave las...

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Inner Change: Towards a more inclusive Transition

  Inclusion in Transition: Why does it matter? Where are we now? Wha...

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A Mr Harding Sort of England (Day 70) June 6th

I arise late; luxuriating in a rare opportunity to have a Sunday lie i...

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Aroma-Massage, Native Americans, and Trams (Day 71) June 7th

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Through a Tunnel in to Thurgoland (Day 72) June 8th

What a day! It has rained continuously from sometime in the night and ...

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People Run on Pleasure* (Day 69) 5th June

 Anne walks with me through the centre of Chesterfield and the bustli...

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The Jewel in the Centre of England (Day 68) June 4th

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American perspective on some innovative UK food projects

Sent in by Kenrick Chin from Dundas in Transition in Canada, this arti...

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Transition Town Tooting – Trashcatchers Carnival & Symposium

Transition Town Tooting has, right from the start, been an innovator i...

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We’re More There than We Were (Day 64) May 31st

  I leave Long Eaton and return to the canal path. This time I veer o...

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The South of the North (Days 65-67) June 1st -3rd

Day 65 A Little Piece of Paradise I head out of Quarndon to the A6 whi...

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Into Nottinghamshire With a Sigh of Relief (Day 61) May 28th

  When I leave Loughborough I follow the river Soar navigation and ha...

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Hot Stones and Gems (Day 62) May 29th

What a gem of a day. I have had one full day to savour the delights of...

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A Trip to Old Jerusalem and the Canal to Long Eaton (Day 63) May 30th

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Conference 2010 – day tickets, videos, workshops and more

“If you are vaguely thinking of going but not sure if you can be...

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Do you want to bring more locally and sustainably produced food to your area?

Growing Communities – a social enterprise based in Hackney, North Lo...

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Short videos from Transition Conference 2009

We’re close to the 2010 Transition UK conference now and getting...

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Transition guide to money launched

Our latest book, The Transition Guide to Money, is now launched, live,...

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The Wizard and the speech for the Brixton pound

David Boyle, author of many fine books and long term friend of Transit...

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The Worst of The Age of Oil (Day 59)

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Loughborough – a Market Town that Thinks Local (Day 60)

I walk really slowly out of Newtown Lynford, not even sure I will be a...

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The County Of Rutland (Day 57)

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Walk with a Stranger’s Footsteps and Discover What You Never Knew You Never Knew… (Day 58) May 25th

It was a long dusty tiring day that at one point seemed too far to man...

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Interested in Inner Transition?

Are you interested in Inner Transition? From Sophy Banks and Jo Hardy ...

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Transitioners needed for the Royal Bath and West show

Calling all Transitioners in the South West of the UK region – d...

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Transition Drupal project takes flight

In a world where we cannot guarantee what technology providers will do...

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Web project update for May 2010

Team building Development work phase Going onto the live platform Goin...

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Day 55 – Scrabbling in a Ditch and Stunning Scenery (Day 55) May 22nd

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OTT (day 56) May 23rd

What was today all about? Waking up with sunburn and having to wear fa...

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Our daily bread conference

The National Justice and Peace Network are running an excellent lookin...

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Feeling at Home in the Place of Bridges over the Cam (Day 53) May 20th

Anna comes to collect me in her street van, hired for a couple of hour...

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Coton to Caxton (Day 54) May 21st

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Low Carbon Communities Network survey

The Low Carbon Communities Network links groups across the UK who are ...

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Rowan, Rosemary, and Cherry…Hinton (Day 51) May 18th

I have a very lazy day; I feel quite spoiled, a holiday in the midst o...

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A Vicarage Garden and Tales at the Elm Tree (Day 52) May 19th

The May sun finally decided to do what we expect from a May sun and I ...

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Transition councils workshop launched

In July 2008 Somerset County Council passed the UK’s first motion ca...

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Hills Are a Powerful Waste of Sky (Day 49) May 16th

 Hills Are a Powerful Waste of Sky …or so say the folk of Norfo...

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The Streets of Cambridge are Paved with Flowers (Day 50) May 17th

 The Streets of Cambridge are Paved with Flowers Literally! I am tick...

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It’s green, but is it really Green? (Day 47) May 14th

I leave Hertford accompanied by Stewart Hillin and Si Brandon as far a...

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A Stroll Along the Ickneild Way (Day 48) May 15th

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The role for social enterprise in creating a sustainable food system

Transition Matlock have come up with an intriguing and playful way to ...

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Let There Be Car Share in the Town Betwixt Four Rivers (Day 46) May 13th

Let There Be Car Share in the Town Betwixt Four Rivers (Day 46) May 13...

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Volcanic Ash Cloud Survey

Transition City Lancaster are doing a joint survey with the University...

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Totnes and District 2030, an Energy Descent Action Plan, available now!

Transition Town Totnes have delivered their long gestated EDAP. ItR...

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Oak before Ash and We’re in for a Splash (Day 44) May 11th

  Hannah and I set out from Belsize Park and head out across Hampstea...

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