My last car

We have a complex relationship with cars. On the one hand they have en...

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June round up of what’s happening in Transition

It’s time for the monthly roundup of all things Transition from acro...

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List of countries

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Sunrise social reporting from John

This is a report on Sunrise Festival from John Gillingham from Transit...

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Sunrise social reporting from Marion

This is a report on Sunrise Festival from Marion McCartney. A Taste of...

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Midsummer Night Tales, Black Silky Knickers and a Black Eye

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Planning for low carbon living workshop

The Centre for Sustainable Energy are running some free one day worksh...

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Conference 2011 update

Two weeks and one day until the Transition Network conference 2011. We...

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Project support survey

We need your input to help us prioritise and shape our work to support...

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Nicole Foss aka Stoneleigh is coming back to the UK

Nicole Foss, aka ‘Stoneleigh’ from The Automatic Earth, is...

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NICE recruiting community members for health group

The National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence are developi...

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Transition spreads through NW London

Two new Transition Initiatives started up on a wave of enthusiasm and ...

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Transition Enterprise description

Fiona Ward of Transition Network’s REconomy project has written the ...

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A Tale of How Doing & Being Came to Work Together

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Getting new UK farmers onto the land in Devon

This just came in from the Ecological Land Coop – brilliant! ...

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Transition and its edge with “activism”

Exploring the edge where “activism” and Transition meet Wh...

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Report from Transition Heathrow’s London gathering June 2011

 Transition and “activism’s” edge Here’s a qu...

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Social Reporting at the 2011 conference

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A third update on the film In Transition 2

There’s so many suggestions in the mix and so much to keep in my hea...

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Web development phase 4

It’s that time of the budget again, we’re luring the techn...

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Story Giants of Eden – A Transition Tale from Penrith

Last Midsummer I was walking in the north of England, and had the ple...

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Report on Transition in France

Snow capped mountains and broad fertile valleys, welcome to Trieves; a...

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Transition Town Tynedale (UK) and Tyne hydro scheme

Just received this from Transition Town Tynedale, requesting online su...

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June 2011 Transition Network Newsletter

 Transition Network June 2011 newsletter CONTENTS ~ TRANSITION NETWOR...

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London’s Community Farm – a crazy idea that might just work?

Taking food resilience seriously… As food prices soar and the ab...

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Social Reporting Project call for reporters

Introducing the Social Reporting Project – finding the new narra...

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Transition and activism

Charlotte Du Cann from Transition Norwich and Bungay and editor of the...

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Why you should come to the 2011 Transition Conference

From Rob Hopkins: Things are shaping up nicely for this year’s Trans...

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Project sharing engine funding bid

We are applying to the Nominet Trust for some funding to build our ...

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Transition Network Diversity Newsletter May 2011

Transition Network Diversity and Inclusion Newsletter May 2011 WELCOME...

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An update on In Transition 2.0 the film

The ‘In Transition 2.0′ team have had a sneak preview of Rob’s n...

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Transitioner selected for Yellow Pages cover

Big cheer for Sandra Murray, founder of Transition Launceston in Tasma...

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A Heart Warming Visit to a Neighbour

My heart is singing! Almost 8 months after returning from my famed and...

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Community energy project consultation

If you are part of, or know a community energy project, please point t...

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Brixton: Celebrating Heroes with the Brixton Pound

Transition Brixton in South London is based in a multi-ethnic and mult...

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The Draught-Busting Phenomena: Saving money, saving carbon and staying warm

Two years ago in February 2009, Sarah Nicholl from Transition Belsize ...

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UK allotment waiting lists report

Transition West Kirby have just finished their annual survey of allotm...

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Foodcycle: healthy meals for those in need

Foodcycle looking for a new community cafe in London This is totally w...

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Does engagement with Transition make people happier

Does engaging in Transition lead to people being healthier and happier...

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Survey on climate change and local authorities (UK)

Local Authorities and climate change – Green Alliance survey Our...

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Grow your Group

How thriving is your group? Is it in the first flush of action and ent...

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Community-owned Solar Powers Brewery

 A project to put solar panels on the roof of Harvey’s brewery ...

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May 2011 Transition Network Newsletter

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Free Trees for communities

The Woodland Trust is offering free trees for communities to plant in ...

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Peak oil is still a HUGE story

As the oil juggernaught (aka world economy) keeps chugging along, let&...

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Job: part-time grower at Norwich Community Supported Agriculture

This is from our friends in Norfolk who are setting up a Community Sup...

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Treehouse project: UK community design competition

Just received from a consultant with good green credentials “Sky...

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Conference 2011 tickets on sale

We’re delighted to announce that bookings are now open for the 2011 ...

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London and Thames Valley transition gathering, 11-June, Heathrow

Transitioners in London and the Thames Valley to meet on 11-June-2011 ...

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End of ingredients/tools phase 1

Having had an excellent ‘phase 1’ of the Transition Patter...

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Low acreage livelihoods: important report re Small Farms

Small is Successful! Ground Breaking Report shows Big Role for Small F...

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Job opportunities: Wales, Ruskin Mill

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An invitation to take part in “A little patch of ground”

Call for Participants Encounters Arts are looking for people to take p...

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Announcing the movie “In Transition 2.0”

‘In Transition1.0′ was a huge success.  Shown thousands of times ...

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Transition Leytonstone’s Green Winterfaith Festival

Here’s a report back from Ros Bedlow and Diana Korchien of Trans...

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March round up of what’s happening in Transition

It’s the end of the month again, which means it’s time to bring yo...

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UK First Community Owned Solar Power Station

Transition Town Lewes‘s energy company, Ovesco, is planning to b...

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April 2011 Network Newsletter

April 2011 Transition Network Newsletterhttp://www.transitionnetwork.o...

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Book review: The End of Money and the Future of Civilisation

Thanks to John Bristow for reviewing “The End of Money and the F...

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Otesha Project UK: young people’s cycle tour + workshops and plays

Lovely project potentially coming to a Transition Initiative near you ...

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