
Education blog #2: India’s Barefoot College

Barefoot College – a model for “rich” countries? A f...

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Education blog #1: learning from the global south

Introduction In the context of peak oil, climate change and economic c...

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End of project report for Transition Network web project

This is as brief as possible a report on the Transition Network web pr...

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Widget options and design wireframes

Following the early information and tech design meetings, the Transiti...

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Project Sharing Engine January update

Work on the Project Sharing Engine project has been progressing well s...

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Snippets of Advice: holding interesting meetings

This is the first in what may end up being a long series of Snippets o...

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Sustainable makers: Devon potter

 Introduction Many of the jobs within a post-oil era are going to be ...

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Social Reporters end of project meeting notes

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Social Reporting findings and call for writers

This is a brief overview of findings from the Social Reporters’ ...

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Design meeting 2 report

Ttech Skype meet: confirming the workflows and wireframesTuesday 20 De...

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Project update for Nominet Trust

The complete report is attached to this blog post; here follows the bi...

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Definition of a Transition Project for the PSE project

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Design meeting report

Having established the high level principles in communications and des...

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Explaining the Transition web constellation

The Transition Network website does not see itself at the centre of th...

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Diagrams to explain the Project Sharing Engine

The Project Sharing Engine is a web service that connects Transition I...

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Pre-design phase technical meeting report

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“Voices of Transition” movie in Belgium

A preview tour of the film “Voices of Transition” in Belgium Thank...

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Transition East at Old Hall, November 2011

[See and join our egroup to keep in touch:

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Webmasters first meeting write up for project sharing engine

This is a write up of the Transition Network Project Sharing Engine we...

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Who does what and when in the Project Sharing Engine project

The Project Sharing Engine project is a funded experiment to explore h...

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Subscribing to email alerts for website content

It is possible to receive email alerts for new and updated content on ...

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First project sharing engine meeting information

The first meeting to open up the ‘alpha’ group of Project ...

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The emotional impact of transition

In the UK and Wales alone, there are 11,000 parishes (towns/villages),...

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Project sharing engine survey outcomes

Following our successful funding bid from Nominet Trust, we officially...

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Connecting to nature: the dance of the carbon atom

Carbon is the building block of life, and here is a phase in its never...

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Adding stages to your blog posts

We are about to launch an entire set of ‘Transition ingredients&...

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First national hubs online meeting!

We had a very exciting virtual meeting today, of people from Transitio...

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How to work on and find your unpublished blog posts

It is possible to work on blog posts without publishing them – a...

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The Folly of Money

As well as my day job working full-time for Transition Network, I̵...

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What you think about adding inequality in the Transition Network purpose statement

Transition people respond to the question of should Transition Network...

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Transition Network Purpose Discussion: Equality Trust view – Transition will not happen without greater equality

Proposed purpose statement:  “Transition Network supports commu...

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Thoughts from Brazil on adding inequality to the Transition Network purpose statement

Proposed purpose statement:  “Transition Network supports commu...

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Inequality in the Transition Network purpose statement discussion: Explaining what it’s all about

Where does equality fit in Transition?  Should Transition be respondi...

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Peter Ruczynski, Transition Reading on not including inequality in the Transition Network purpose statement

Proposed purpose statement:  “Transition Network supports commu...

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Sophy Banks on an alternative to including inequality in the Transition Network purpose statement

Proposed purpose statement:  “Transition Network supports commu...

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Louis Alemayehu: Some thoughts on diversity, leadership and patience in Transition

Proposed purpose statement:  “Transition Network supports commu...

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Peter Lipman on including inequality in the Transition Network purpose statement

Proposed purpose statement:  “Transition Network supports commu...

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Projects sharing engine update and invitation for webmasters

I’m very pleased to say that we won our funding bid to build a &...

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Editing a group page with a table

Editing pages in Community Microsites (CMSs) is quick and easy. Any &#...

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Transition and campaigning: a trade-off

When we heard that Deal in Kent in the UK was responding to the threat...

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Social Reporters welcome 2

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Land Matters…

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Social Reporters welcome

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Hungarian Tales

  Through Alpine slopes and picturesque villages of brightly coloured...

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Money for your projects, a movie to enlighten (and frighten) and a play to intrigue you

Three fascinating events/opportunities, all very transition-related Gr...

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Infographic workflow-y design piece needed

We’re looking for a piece of work to help users find resources i...

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Adding your blog post

Adding your blog post to the Social Reporting site is easy and quick. ...

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The GoatCrushers Dinner Party & Other Tales

~ Being Reflections on a Trip to the Oxfordshire countryside~ (June 27...

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Connecting to your community: Local radio stations

Not everyone in the UK listens to BBC Radio One, Two or Four!  WeR...

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Your thoughts needed: Where does equality fit in Transition?

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Beyond conflict workshop write up

Notes from Transition Conference 2011 workshop Beyond Conflict, led by...

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Why create a socially just Transition write up

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Transition Network Conference: Diversity Highlights

The recent annual Transition Network conference held in Liverpool gave...

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Whitney Avenue Urban Farm

Out of the 22 houses on Witney Avenue, Wilkinsburg (United States), 10...

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Social Justice at the heart of Transition

How do we ensure that our work in Transition meets the needs of the mo...

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Changes to the website speed

Yesterday the deep configuration of the site was changed in a couple o...

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Evaluation workshop notes

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Going Round in Circles

The nature of each Transition Conference venue both impacts the confer...

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Report from Ruah Swennerfelt

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Report on the visit to the Granby Triangle

The four streets within the Granby triangle are located adjacent to Pr...

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