
September round up of what’s happening in Transition

(This is copied almost exactly from Transition Culture) It’s October...

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Putting renewable energy systems on the map with Bro Gwaun

Transition Bro Gwaun, the West Wales Eco Centre, and Save and Generate...

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Yes Magazine offering free copies – resilient communities edition

Our friends at Yes! Magazine have just published their latest issue a...

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Happy Birthday Transition Norwich

Happy Birthday Transition Norwich! 2 Years old and not looking a day o...

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Sustainable Ability report and website now available

A very interesting report as just been published about the role of the...

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Transition and The Big Society – workshop review

This is copied nearly exactly from Rob’s Transition Culture Blog...

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Big Society workshop materials

Materials from the Transition Network Big Society workshop Bristol 29/...

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Dreaming Circle for Transition Trainers 1-3 December

Calling all facilitators and trainers who have expertise in group proc...

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Community Currency Magazine in need of volunteers

CC Magazine is a magazine dedicated to, well, community currencies obv...

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Climate Change and Islam – a Call to Heal

“It is He who has appointed you guardians in the earth” (Q...

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Two minute Peak Oil primer video

Thanks to Rachel Roddam in Australia for bringing this quick stop expl...

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Landshare launches groups tools

Our friends over at the magnificent Landshare have just launched a sui...

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Funding opportunity: Plunkett/Big Lottery fund – local food systems

Calling communities – New project launched to investigate Local Food...

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Check your MP’s allotment motion

Thanks to Margaret from Transition Town West Kirby for bringing this t...

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Transition Tring’s waste audit

Tring in Transition have been busy auditing the waste that local busin...

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The Turning Point Film

Our friends at the Findhorn Ecovillage in Scotland have made a short f...

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The Lush Charity Party with Transition Cambridge

Transition Cambridge did a presentation to Lush about how they helped ...

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Ashden Awards looking for winners

The Ashden Awards are looking for applicants. This looks like somethin...

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Climate Change Poetry Competition

This looks fun. A climate change poetry competition. Thanks to Emily ...

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More reflections on The Big Society from The Development Trust Association conference

More Reflections on the Big Society: from the Development Trust Associ...

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Job: Fundraiser for Transition Network

Transition Network is looking for a part time fundraiser to join its t...

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Network Newsletter – September 2010

The September 2010 Transition Network Newsletter   CONTENTS ~ NEWS R...

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Announcement of TRESOC launch

Naresh Giangrande of Transition Town Totnes has some exciting news abo...

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Transition Network Diversity Newsletter – September 2010

Transition Network Diversity Newsletter WELCOME to the first edition o...

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Transitions: Diverse Routes to Belonging Conference 20-21 November 2010

Transitions: Diverse Routes to Belonging conference, 20/21-Nov-2010, E...

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Grow Heathrow (part of Heathrow Transition initiative) wins first step in fight to rejuvenate third runway site

Brilliant news from the initiative that is really exploring the inters...

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A lesson from AD400…?

A peach of a blog post from the US From Christine Patton, the Peak Oil...

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Local Sustainable Homes – A new title in the Transition series.

Local Sustainable Homes – How to make them happen in your commun...

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Training for Transition 25 September inLondon

The next ‘Training for Transition’ course is taking place ...

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Free stalls at The Big Sustrans Party

Our friends at Sustrans are holding their ‘Big Sustrans Party...

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US based online mag looking for contributions from Transitioners

New online magazine focussing on ‘Relocalisation’ to be la...

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Transition Initiatives setting up Zero Carbon Concerts

Transition Initiatives and Zero Carbon Concerts Chris Keene (that̵...

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A New Zealand Transition Pioneer reflects…

This little article is an intro (and a bit of a birthday honoring) to ...

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Transition featuring in Bioneers Conference in Findhorn

Transition is going to feature prominently at the Bioneers 2010 confer...

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UK Permaculture Convergence, 3 to 5-Sept

Forwarded from our friends at the Permaculture Association: What are y...

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Ecomotion looking for partner to grow their beta online social enterprise

We’ve worked with the uber-ethical Ecomotion crew since the very...

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Transition Belsize (London): Energy event/discussion

As part of their ‘Eco Week’, Transition Town Belsize in Lo...

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Interfaith and Beliefs Conversation Day in Scotland

Would you be interested to gather with a few other people from faith a...

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Transition Towns Conference 2010: The Automatic Earth Stoneleigh Lecture on the Financial Crisis

Amelia Gregory has written a wonderful piece about the Stoneleigh lect...

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Calling all faith practitioners

Do you practise a faith? Whether you’re a Buddhist, Christian, Musli...

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Inclusion in Transition

What can we do to become more inclusive? This is a question that we at...

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Diversity project: From training to action

The Bringing Diversity Pilot Project, run by Transition Network, is ai...

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Capacity global faith toolkit

This is a useful pack containing a range of resources for use by faith...

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London Edible Estates Competition

Capital Growth aims to help Londoners transform the capital by creatin...

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Bring Eco Theatre to a hall near you

Moving sounds, the environmental arts group, has launched its new eco-...

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New video from Stroudco Food Hub in UK

Stroud has always been a pioneering community. They were one of the ve...

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Transition Together project results

The Transition Town Totnes group have been up to all sorts. As well as...

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2050 pathways analysis call for evidence

The Department of Energy and Climate Change has just released its R...

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Beyond the Tipping Point film

Beyond The Tipping Point is a new and interesting looking film that is...

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Funding from Scottish Green Energy Trust

The Scottish Power Green Energy Trust (UK) have funding for community ...

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Suffolk Digest The Transition Conference

Last month  eight Suffolk initatives and 1 Norfolk (Diss) came togeth...

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Bees in Transition

 Recently bees have been disappearing in their millions, affecting no...

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Volunteer film makers available

We have been in touch with The Media Trust, who ‘work with chari...

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Sunrise Festival write up

Summer in the UK means festivals. To many people (and promoted in the ...

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Engaging local business with 9carrots

If you are interested in working with your local businesses, and haven...

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A poem for Transition

Thanks to David Passingham of Transition Shipston for forwarding this ...

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Diverse Routes To Belonging

Diverse Routes To Belonging John McIntyre Conference Centre, Edinburgh...

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Portrait pattern of an initiative

Our Rob has been very busy thinking about the next Transition Handbook...

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People Powered Renewable Co-op

 If you are one of those people who want to go renewable, but are not...

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Transition Training and Consulting – working with the National Trust

Transition Training and Consulting (TTandC) is the part of the Transit...

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