“Voices of Transition” movie in Belgium

A preview tour of the film “Voices of Transition” in Belgium Thank...

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New funding opportunity for Transition initiatives (UK)

Today sees the launch of a great new funding opportunity from the Big ...

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Transition East at Old Hall, November 2011

[See and join our egroup to keep in touch: http://groups.google.com/gr...

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Funding: 3 Transition Projects in Energyshare final (UK)

Fantastic news: four projects from our network of wonderful Transition...

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Webmasters first meeting write up for project sharing engine

This is a write up of the Transition Network Project Sharing Engine we...

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Who does what and when in the Project Sharing Engine project

The Project Sharing Engine project is a funded experiment to explore h...

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New Guide published: embedding diversity and inclusion in Transition

For the past year, Catrina Pickering has been Transition Network’s d...

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Volunteer required for European Transition learning exchanges

Transition Network is creating a series of learning exchanges that wil...

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October round of what’s happening in Transition

A bumper harvest of apples has resulted in an abundance of top Transit...

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November 2011 Transition Network newsletter

Transition Network newsletter – November 2011 Transition Model L...

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Movies for Transition: Gasland

This movie is pertinent to all countries with shale gas under their te...

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Transition model leaps ahead with book and ingredients

Today sees the launch of three exciting new developments and outputs f...

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Subscribing to email alerts for website content

It is possible to receive email alerts for new and updated content on ...

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First project sharing engine meeting information

The first meeting to open up the ‘alpha’ group of Project ...

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Community energy project survey – URGENT

Our friends at the Communities and Climate Action Alliance (CCAA) have...

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Brighton Energy Cooperative launches one of UK’s largest community-owned solar energy schemes

Brighton Energy Co-operative is to launch a pioneering project that wi...

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The emotional impact of transition

In the UK and Wales alone, there are 11,000 parishes (towns/villages),...

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Project sharing engine survey outcomes

Following our successful funding bid from Nominet Trust, we officially...

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Connecting to nature: the dance of the carbon atom

Carbon is the building block of life, and here is a phase in its never...

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Funding stream for food projects now open (London, UK)

Just received notice of a scheme that could be of immense help to some...

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Adding stages to your blog posts

We are about to launch an entire set of ‘Transition ingredients&...

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Rob Hopkins launches the Transition Companion at Food from the sky

This is from the ‘Food from the sky‘ project, where we are...

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Transition companion twitter launch

Are you inspired by the Transition movement? Do you have a burning que...

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October 2011 Transition Network Newsletter

Transition Network newsletter – October 2011 CONTENTS Birthday I...

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Transition Training pilot course needs you

Transition Training is piloting a new course based on Transitioners...

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First national hubs online meeting!

We had a very exciting virtual meeting today, of people from Transitio...

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From Diversity Coordinator to Diversity Embedding

Catrina Pickering, Transition Network’s Diversity Coordinator is lea...

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Transition Network Diversity Newsletter, October 2011

Transition Network Diversity and Social Justice News Final Diversity N...

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How to work on and find your unpublished blog posts

It is possible to work on blog posts without publishing them – a...

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The Folly of Money

As well as my day job working full-time for Transition Network, I̵...

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Inequality as a central driver of Transition?

“In August, we put a call out on the Transition Network website ...

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What you think about adding inequality in the Transition Network purpose statement

Transition people respond to the question of should Transition Network...

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Transition Network Purpose Discussion: Equality Trust view – Transition will not happen without greater equality

Proposed purpose statement:  “Transition Network supports commu...

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Thoughts from Brazil on adding inequality to the Transition Network purpose statement

Proposed purpose statement:  “Transition Network supports commu...

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Inequality in the Transition Network purpose statement discussion: Explaining what it’s all about

Where does equality fit in Transition?  Should Transition be respondi...

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Peter Ruczynski, Transition Reading on not including inequality in the Transition Network purpose statement

Proposed purpose statement:  “Transition Network supports commu...

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Sophy Banks on an alternative to including inequality in the Transition Network purpose statement

Proposed purpose statement:  “Transition Network supports commu...

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Louis Alemayehu: Some thoughts on diversity, leadership and patience in Transition

Proposed purpose statement:  “Transition Network supports commu...

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Peter Lipman on including inequality in the Transition Network purpose statement

Proposed purpose statement:  “Transition Network supports commu...

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Projects sharing engine update and invitation for webmasters

I’m very pleased to say that we won our funding bid to build a &...

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Welcome to the social reporting pilot

Today begins a grand experiment in Transition – a national blog crea...

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Editing a group page with a table

Editing pages in Community Microsites (CMSs) is quick and easy. Any &#...

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Transition and campaigning: a trade-off

When we heard that Deal in Kent in the UK was responding to the threat...

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Social Reporters welcome 2

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Land Matters…

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Film competition: “What is Climate Change Resilience?”

For those budding film makers within transition initiatives, here̵...

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Pre-order the Transition Companion

Our very own Rob is in a whirl of excitement, exhaustion and giddy ant...

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Switch to ethical energy and earn money for your initiative

Our friends at Local United have been busy putting together a scheme w...

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Social Reporters welcome

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Hungarian Tales

  Through Alpine slopes and picturesque villages of brightly coloured...

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A follow on to the 2 day course -Transition Thrive

Congratulations! Your TI is up and running, but it’s not all plain s...

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September 2011 Transition Network Newsletter

September 2011 Transition Network Newsletter CONTENTS EXPLORING THE TR...

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Money for your projects, a movie to enlighten (and frighten) and a play to intrigue you

Three fascinating events/opportunities, all very transition-related Gr...

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August round up of what’s happening in Transition

We’ll start down under in Australia where Transition Eudlo (NSW) hel...

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Infographic workflow-y design piece needed

We’re looking for a piece of work to help users find resources i...

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Adding your blog post

Adding your blog post to the Social Reporting site is easy and quick. ...

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Cycling to raise money for Transition and Sustrans

This is impressive, fun to watch, and raises money for Transition R...

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The GoatCrushers Dinner Party & Other Tales

~ Being Reflections on a Trip to the Oxfordshire countryside~ (June 27...

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Connecting to your community: Local radio stations

Not everyone in the UK listens to BBC Radio One, Two or Four!  WeR...

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Training survey: the results

Transition Training conducted a survey to assess the impact of the Tra...

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