Abya Yala in Transition – 7 Conversations
Stories from inspirational and diverse communities who offer alternatives to the challenges we face.
Stories from inspirational and diverse communities who offer alternatives to the challenges we face.
Reducing waste, being more sustainable, building community!
Would you like to join a creative, innovative and committed team working to support the international Transition movement?
Rob Hopkins in conversation with adrienne maree brown
Sarah McAdam recently joined Pedro Portela on his podcast, It Takes Two to Tango – Conversations Around Network Governance.
From 14th-18th February our team will be taking time for creativity and reflection.
Do you have skills and experience in finance? And a passion for environmental and social projects?
Creating more resilient, empowered and sustainable communities across Britain, from the ground up.
Together we can imagine and build a future that works for all of us.
What if hubs of resilience popped up in a park, or a high street corner, or place of worship?
Thanks to National Lottery players, Transition Network has been awarded £5,977,444 from The National Lottery Community Fund’s Growing Great Ideas programme for work in Great Britain over the next 10 years.
Resources to support ourselves, our groups, and our communities.
Do you have experience, values, a fresh perspective, and time to commit to helping us deliver on our purpose and strategy?
Three weeks of workshops, events and networking to build community power across the UK.
The second in a series of webinars for Transition trainers, facilitators and Hubs members to share practice and ideas.
The first in a series of webinars for Transition trainers, facilitators and Hubs representatives to share practice and ideas.
Latest news from Training for Transition in English / Español / Português
Would you like to join us online to discuss the impact, relevance and potential of the Transition movement?
Complete our Evaluation survey in English, French, German, Hebrew, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Portuguese or Spanish
Join a global conversation about the impact, relevance and potential of the Transition movement.
Moving from What Is to What If to What Next.
Thanks to National Lottery players, The National Lottery Community Fund has awarded us £267,113 to strengthen our response to COVID-19.
Latest news from Training for Transition in English / Español / Português
As the first step of Transition: Bounce Forward, we invite you to a series of four exciting online What Is events from 7th-10th September. This will be followed by further sessions in October and November, during which we’ll be looking at What If and What Next.
Can you contribute to our development as a non-hierarchical organisation exploring, and seeking to model, the changes we want to see in the world?
A journey to explore pathways towards regenerative cultures in a time of breakdown – 15th June to 15th July
Join us to share stories of the global pandemic now – its impacts, how we are responding and what it means for the transition we seek to support.
Can you bring an understanding of budgets and organisational finances, a fresh perspective, time and energy to help us to deliver on our purpose and strategy?
Transition Network has been helping to develop a new international Training Circle which plans to re-energise training and learning opportunities. In this first phase we’d like to gather your ideas by inviting you to respond to our survey.
As we practice physical distancing with social solidarity, we invite you to join us online to connect, reflect and share.
In March 2019 Transition Network ran its first International Transition Healthcheck Month as a pilot – experimenting by doing.
Circular economy start-up Library of Things launches a self-serve locker-style rental system, which enables communities across the UK to borrow household items – rather than having to buy them.
Municipalities in Transition believe that the area represented by your local government or municipality is a place where transformative change can happen.
If we have learned anything over the last 12 years of Transition, it is that how we do things and in particular, how we relate and communicate with each other, is just as important as what we do.
With his new book ‘From What Is To What If’ published last month, Rob Hopkins tells Chelsea Green Publishing what prompted him to start asking “What if…?”
Transition Network is committed to learning from and amplifying stories of transition – stories which can inspire, inform and empower us all to make the changes needed to create a sustainable and socially just world.
Are you interested in joining a creative, innovative and committed team working to support the international Transition movement, amplify stories of community-led change, and nurture collaborations across difference?
Would you like to help re-energise training and learning across our amazing movement?
Can you help Transition Network by becoming a Trustee? Do you have wisdom, a fresh perspective, time and energy that you want to place in service to an innovative organisation?
Across the globe, we are beginning to see alignment across movements in how they are organizing around ecological collapse, not just what they are organizing around.
As we reimagine and rebuild our world, how we organise and work together can be a practice in creating the future. Kevin Buckland speaks to Ecologistas en Acción about their organising model.
In our ongoing series of blogs from Kevin Buckland, our final Guest Editor, we hear about collaborating with unions and workers to reduce emissions and create dignified and sustainable jobs. At the 4th Eco-socialist Conference in an aging high school in central Lisbon, I sat down with Joao Comargo, one of the conference organizers and […]
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